§ 112.08  FEES.
   (A)   The Plumbing Inspector shall collect the following fees for permits issued, which the fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of the permit.  The fee shall be the same in the case of alteration or change of existing plumbing as in the case of the installation of new plumbing.
Fee (Suggested)
Fee (Suggested)
Each plumbing fixture
Air conditioning unit
Each floor drain
Each water tap
Each four-inch sewer connection
Each six-inch sewer connection
Each eight-inch sewer connection
Each ten-inch sewer connection
Each 12-inch sewer connection
Each water meter
Each automatic washing machine
Minimum combined fee
   (B)   (1)   Wherever more than two trips shall be required by the Plumbing Inspector for the purpose of making the tests required by this chapter on defective material of defective work performed on the job, or for the purpose of designing a plan for work, the person obtaining the permit shall pay to the Plumbing Inspector in addition to the fees above set forth, the sum of $35 for each trip in excess of two trips.
      (2)   Wherever any changes in soil, waste or ventilation pipe are made and no changes are made in the location or number of fixtures, the person obtaining the permit hereinbefore mentioned shall pay to the Plumbing Inspector in lieu of the fees above mentioned the minimum fee shown above.
(Ord. 741, passed 12-13-1960; Am. Ord. 1608, passed 3-25-2003)