(A)   (1)   No license shall be assignable or transferrable, without consent of the City Council, to be certified thereon by the City Clerk, nor so construed as to apply to any other building or place other than that described in the license, nor shall any person, firm or corporation be authorized to act or do business under the license, but the person, firm or corporation to whom it is granted.
      (2)   Any person to whom a license may have been issued may, with the permission of the City Council, unless otherwise prohibited by law, have the same transferred or surrender the license and have the same canceled and have a like license issued for the unexpired term of the one so surrendered to the person, firm or corporation or place of business to which he or she may wish to transfer the same upon licensee named in the new license giving bond, if bond is required, and complying with the ordinances and laws under which the license is issued.
   (B)   (1)   Nothing herein contained shall be held to authorize the assignment or transfer of pawn- brokers, amusements, peddlers, auctioneers, junk dealers, second-hand stores, scavengers or out-of-door advertisers licenses.
      (2)   Those licenses shall be non-assignable and non-transferrable.
(Ord. 562, passed - -)