(A)   (1)   No member will report to duty while under the intoxication of alcohol and/or prescribed medications that may hamper their ability to operate or function in the performance of their duties. If any member is suspected of being under such influence they may be ordered to go to the nearest medical facility for blood test.  In alcohol-related cases the member may be ordered to respond to the Police Department for a breathalyzer test.  In each incident, if the member refuses they will immediately be placed on suspension, relieved of duty and the Chief will make written notice to the Mayor’s office for dismissal.
      (2)   While on duty, no member shall drink intoxicating beverages or take illegal drugs of any kind nor for any reason permit or allow intoxicating beverages or illegal drugs to be brought on to Department premises or property.  Any member found to be in possession of these items shall be subject to discipline including termination and or criminal charges.
      (3)   If any member is found to have an illegal narcotic in his or her system, he or she shall immediately be terminated from the Department without prejudice.
   (B)   No member shall lend any portion of their uniform to any person outside of the Department without the permission of the Chief.
   (C)   A member of the Department detailed to a funeral, parade detail or special detail shall report in full uniform unless specified by the Chief.  Absence from such details shall be granted only by the Chief or the ranking officer of the detail.
   (D)   Each member of the Department is personally responsible for each piece of their equipment, including badge, nameplate, collar insignias, shirt, trousers and wallet badge.  Any member losing this equipment while not in the performance of their duties will be responsible for payment to the city for such replacement.
   (E)   In the interest of the economy, every member shall do their best to conserve the Department's water, gas, fuel, electricity, supplies, etc.  All lights shall be turned off at the switch when members leave the area.  All doors shall be closed in order for the heating, air conditioning and ventilation to perform properly and efficiently.
   (F)   The members of the Department on night duty shall weekly be responsible for thoroughly inspecting equipment and completing the weekly check sheets properly.  They shall report any and all missing, broken or malfunctioning equipment by completing the proper form and reporting it to the equipment officer.
   (G)   No member of the Department while properly at rest in the Department sleeping room shall be unnecessarily disturbed.
   (H)   No vehicles or equipment other than those owned by the city shall be parked or stored in the engine room unless by permission of the Chief.
   (I)   No member shall leave the station while on call or an incident without first obtaining permission of the officer in charge.  Any member who does so shall be considered leaving post without permission and disciplined.
   (J)   No member shall permit any visitor in the station house after 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday nights and after 12:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights.  No member shall allow any nonmember into the second floor area of the station house at any time, nor shall they allow any intoxicated person or one who is under the influence of narcotics onto city property at any time.
   (K)   All personal telephone calls shall be limited to five minutes and shall be local only.  No personnel shall make long distance telephone calls that are not Department-related.
   (L)   The ranking officer or senior firefighter shall inspect and proofread any and all reports and check sheets to ensure that they are completed properly and with all necessary and proper information.
   (M)   No member shall excuse himself or herself from a scene, incident, training, duty or detail without the permission or knowledge of the ranking officer in charge of said detail or incident.  Every member shall return to the station house on the apparatus they arrived on scene in unless excused by the officer in charge or special circumstances exist where it is impractical (i.e. apparatus has returned or on another assignment and personnel kept at scene).
   (N)   No member of the Department shall direct a stream of water on any personnel, bystander, civilian unless ordered to do so by the officer in charge or unless said subject has visible flames emitting from them and it is necessary to preserve life.
   (O)   It shall be the responsibility and duty for every member who comes in contact with any object of value or firearm to immediately inform the officer in charge of such discovery and see to it that the item is turned over to the proper authority.
   (P)   Any member who comes in contact with or discovers any items of evidentiary value will immediately inform the officer in charge who will see to it that the item or items are turned over to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction.
   (Q)   No member will appropriate or take possession of any items from the scene of any incident.
   (R)   Except by permission of the Mayor and City Council, no member shall receive any reward or payment for services rendered.  No member will demand any such payment or reward.
   (S)   No member shall use obscene or inappropriate language while on duty.  Every member will treat every citizen or contact with the respect they deserve.  (It is understandable that members may at times come in contact with persons where it may become necessary to defend themselves.  If this occurs the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall be notified immediately.)
   (T)   No member shall wantonly or maliciously make any false report against another member of this Department.
   (U)   No member shall be permitted to defame a fellow member or criticize the actions or orders of a senior firefighter or officer in charge.
   (V)   No member of this Department shall commit the offense of insubordination.  Insubordination shall be the failure or deliberate refusal of any member of this Department to obey a lawful order given by a superior officer or the ridiculing of a ranking officer's orders in or out of their presence.
   (W)    No member shall gamble or place bets on city-owned property.
   (X)   No advertising material, posters, private notices or other disfigurement shall be displayed or permitted anywhere in or on Department premises without permission of the Chief.
   (Y)   No information relative to the affairs or daily operations of this Department shall be discussed or furnished to any personnel not connected with the Department unless authorized by the Chief.
(Ord. 1700, passed 3-4-2008)