For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACTING CHIEF.  The senior officer who is acting as Chief of the Department in the Chief's Absence.  This shall be determined by the command structure as outlined in this subchapter.
   CALLS.  Any incident in which dispatched including alarms, rescues, extrications and all fires.  These shall occasionally be referred to as incidents or runs.
   CHIEF.  The Fire Chief of the city who is the senior officer of the Department and who at all times shall have full control and command over all of the personnel, apparatus, station house and all equipment owned and operated by the Department and their usage in accomplishing objectives set forth by the city and its citizens.
   CITY.  The City of Madison Illinois, the Mayor’s office and City Council.
   COMMAND STRUCTURE.  Descending from Chief to Lieutenant:
      (1)   Fire Chief;
      (2)   Assistant Fire Chief;
      (3)   Captain; and,
      (4)   Lieutenant.
   DEPARTMENT.  The Fire Department of the city.
   DUTY.  When a member reports for training, work detail, night duty or any emergency incident as dispatched.
   ESSENTIALS TRAINING.  Training set forth by the Illinois State Fire Marshal’s Office.  This training shall be from the most recent and current text recognized by the OSFM's current Firefighter II Certification text book/CD.  Training shall include the following:
      (1)   Fire Department organization;
      (2)   Command and control;
      (3)   Communications and alarms;
      (4)   Fire behavior;
      (5)   Firefighter safety;
      (6)   Personal protective equipment;
      (7)   Self-contained breathing apparatus;
      (8)   Portable fire extinguishers;
      (9)   Water supply;
      (10)   Fire hose and appliances;
      (11)   Nozzles, fire streams and foam;
      (12)   Sprinklers;
      (13)   Ladders;
      (14)   Building construction;
      (15)   Ropes and knots;
      (16)   Forcible entry;
      (17)   Rescue procedures;
      (18)   Ventilation;
      (19)   Fire suppression;
      (20)   Salvage and overhaul;
      (21)   Fire prevention and pre-incident planning;
      (22)   Emergency medical services;
      (23)   Firefighter survival;
      (24)   Terrorism awareness; and,
      (25)   Haz Mat recognition and identification.
   MANDATORY TRAINING.  Training set forth by state or federal law including:
      (1)   Haz Mat awareness refresher or training;
      (2)   Blood-borne pathogens;
      (3)   CPR;
      (4)   SCBA face mask fit test;
      (5)   Physical test; and,
      (6)   First-responder EMS.
   MEMBER.  Any officer, firefighter or probationary firefighter who has been accepted and placed on the roster by the city.
   NECESSARY TRAINING.  Any training mandated by the city in order for the Department to function professionally.  This training may include:
      (1)   Sexual harassment;
      (2)   Cultural diversity;
      (3)   Methamphetamines awareness; and/or,
      (4)   Certain safety classes not required by OSHA, I.D.O.L., or O.S.F.M.
   OFFICER IN CHARGE.  The most senior officer on scene unless command bad been relinquished by the officer in charge to a junior officer or member.
   PERSONAL EQUIPMENT.  Equipment issued to any member by the Department, including pager, charger, hand-held portable and any other equipment issued by the Department not listed.
   RANKING OFFICER.  The most senior officer on duty.
   STATION HOUSE.  The Fire Department building located at 1800 Third Street, Madison, Illinois.
   TURNOUT GEAR.  The Department-issued coat, pants, helmet, nomex hood, gloves, boots and SCBA mask.
   UNIFORM.  The Department-issued shirt, trousers, breast badge, collar insignias, wallet badge and Class A uniform if issued.
(Ord. 1700, passed 3-4-2008)