(A)   (1)   At the hour appointed for meetings of the Council, the City Clerk shall proceed to call the role of the members, marking the absentees and announcing whether a quorum is present.  If a quorum be present, the Council shall proceed to the business before it.  A majority of the members, exclusive of the Mayor, shall be necessary to constitute a quorum; less than a quorum may adjourn and compel the attendance of members.
      (2)   The following shall be the order of business:
         (a)   The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting or meetings, amendments and approval the same;
         (b)   Presentation of claims;
         (c)   Reports of city officers;
         (d)   Reports of standing committees;
         (e)   Reports of special committees;
         (f)   Unfinished business of preceding meeting;
         (g)   New business, including the presentation of petitions, resolutions and other communications;
         (h)   Miscellaneous business.
   (B)   All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided without debate.
(Ord. 549, passed 6-16-1942; Am. Ord. 1323, passed - -; Am. Ord. 1385, passed 11-18-1997)