(A)   There shall be no smoking, eating or drinking by anyone in the area where body art is performed.
   (B)   Instruments used for body art shall remain stored in sterile packages until just prior to performing a body art procedure. When assembling instruments used for performing body art procedures, the operator shall wear disposable medical gloves and use medically recognized techniques to ensure that the instruments and gloves are not contaminated.
   (C)   All inks, dyes, pigments, needles and equipment shall be specifically manufactured for performing body art procedures and shall be used according to manufacturer’s instructions, The mixing of approved inks, dyes or pigments or their dilution with distilled or sterile water is acceptable. Immediately before applying a tattoo, the quantity of the dye to be used shall be transferred from the dye bottle and placed into single use paper cups or plastic cups. Upon completion of the tattoo, these single cups or caps and their contents shall be discarded.
   (D)   Before performing a body art procedure, the immediate and surrounding area of the skin where the body art procedure is to be placed shall be washed with soap and water or an approved surgical skin preparation, depending on the type of body art to be performed. If shaving is necessary, single use disposable razors or safety razors with single service blades shall be used and discarded after each use and the reusable holder shall be autoclaved after each use. Following shaving, the skin and surrounding area will be washed with soap and water. The washing pad shall be discarded after a single use.
   (E)   All products used to check the flow of blood or to absorb blood shall be sterile, single use and disposed of immediately after use in appropriate covered containers.
   (F)   Single use items shall not be used on more than one client for any reason. After use, all single use needles, razors and other sharps shall be immediately disposed of in approved sharps containers.
   (G)   All products applied to the skin, including body art stencils shall be single use and disposable. Acetate stencils shall be allowed for re-use if sanitization procedures are performed between uses. Petroleum jellies, soaps and other products used in the application of stencils shall be dispensed and applied on the area to be tattooed with sterile gauze or in a manner to prevent contamination of the original container and its contents. The gauze shall be used only once and then discarded.
   (H)   If performing microblading or manual procedures, a handpiece shall be considered single use, only to be used on one customer. It cannot be reused on another customer. After use on a single customer, the handpiece shall be fully disposed of into the sharps container. Any remaining equipment also must be disposed of into the sharps container.
   (I)   Verbal and written public educational information, approved by the Department, shall be required to be given to all clients wanting to receive body art procedure(s). Verbal and written instructions, approved by the Department, for the aftercare of the body art procedure site shall be provided to each client by the operator upon completion of the procedure. The written instructions shall advise the client to consult a physician at the first sight of infection or swelling and shall contain the name, address and phone number of the body art establishment. These documents shall be signed and dated by both parties, with a copy given to the client and the operator retaining the original with all other required records.
(1993 Code, § 77.25) (Ord. 2006-04, passed 5-17-2006; Ord. 2020-03, passed 3-18-2020)