(A)   Prior to reporting any alarm sounding to the Sheriff’s Department, an alarm identification number for each separate system must be obtained by the subscriber from the County Sheriff’s Department.
   (B)   Application for the alarm identification number by the alarm subscriber shall be made to the Sheriff in a manner and form prescribed by that office.
   (C)   The information contained in the application for the alarm identification number shall be confidential and securely maintained by the County Sheriff’s Department and restricted to use in the implementation and enforcement of this chapter and shall not be subject to public inspection.
   (D)   Panic alarms will be identified as a separate alarm system and are subject to application for registration as set out in this chapter.
   (E)   All users of local alarms must have affixed to the premises, a sticker bearing the alarm identification number which is issued by the County Sheriff’s Department. The sticker must be affixed to a window or door on or near the main entrance in a manner easily visible to a police officer. Failure to display this identification sticker shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
   (F)   The identification number which is assigned to an alarm system at a specific location shall remain active for the duration of the existence of the alarm system. If the occupant of a business or residence which houses a lawfully registered alarm system should change, the new occupant must notify the Sheriff’s Department in writing. This notice should contain, if a business, the new business name, phone number, new owner or person responsible for the alarm’s operation and his or her home phone number and two people to be contacted in an emergency. If a residence, the new occupant’s name, phone number, person responsible for the alarm’s operation (if not the owner) and his or her emergency phone number and two people to be contacted in an emergency. This notice must be submitted within 30 days of new occupancy.
(1993 Code, § 73.04) (Ord. 92-5, passed 3-20-1992)