Pursuant to § 15(p) of the Act (820 ILCS 192/1 et seq.), the county hereby adopts its current paid leave policy for all county employees to the extent set forth in this code; the Personnel Policy Handbook; personnel policies for County Board supervisory, professional confidential and non-union employees; personnel policies for County Board appointed officials and department heads; annual salary ordinances; any collective bargaining agreements to which the county is a party and all other binding legislative actions governing paid leave adopted by the County Board or the county's various elected officials, as the same may be amended from time to time. However, in no event shall the county, as an employer, provide less than one day of paid leave per year to any county employee.
(Ord. 2023-04, passed 11-15-2023)
(A) The County Auditor and County Treasurer shall present financial reports at each Board meeting up to the first day of the month in which the meeting is held showing receipts, disbursements, investments and balances in each of the county budgets and funds.
(B) The County Auditor shall assist and advise the Board in all matters of finance and contracts, and specifically assist and advise the County Board Chairperson Pro Tem and Government and Finance Operations Committee in the preparation of the annual county budget.
(C) The County Auditor shall audit all financial reports and statements of officeholders and department heads when due, whether made pursuant to state statute or by direction of the County Board Chairperson Pro Tem and Board.
(D) The County Clerk, as Clerk of the Board, shall keep the county calendar of meetings, post agendas and notify Board members of committee meetings.
(E) The County Clerk shall provide a copy of the proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the Board to each Board member at least five working days before the next regular meeting of the Board.
(F) The County Clerk shall mail the agenda for each regular and special Board meeting, or provide e-mail notification of the agenda’s availability on the county’s website, not less than three working days prior to the scheduled regular or special Board meeting.
(G) The County Treasurer is authorized to delay the required payment of real estate taxes to provide for installments as follows: 50% of each installment of taxes shall not become delinquent until 60 days after each installment would otherwise become delinquent under §§ 21-15, 21-20, 21-25 or 21-30 of the Illinois Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/21-40 et seq.
(Ord. 2005-01, passed 3-16-2005; Ord. 2009-04, passed 4-29-2009; Ord. 2022-03, passed 7-20-2022)
(A) The County Administrator, under the direction of the County Board Chairperson Pro Tem shall administer the County Board office, which shall assist any County Board member or County Board committee in drafting resolutions and shall provide typing assistance or photocopying service related to Board or committee business.
(B) The County Administrator, under the direction of the County Board Chairperson Pro Tem, shall coordinate and implement the actions of the County Board and shall attend County Board committee meetings as required.
(C) The County Administrator, under the direction of the County Board Chairperson Pro Tem, shall have authority to direct the overall management of all departments under the jurisdiction of the Board and shall provide, under the direction of the County Board Chairperson Pro Tem, administration and management oversight to these offices, as well as coordination of operations with elected officeholders.
(Ord. 2005-01, passed 3-16-2005; Ord. 2022-03, passed 7-20-2022)
(A) These travel regulations apply to all county officials and employees of the county.
(B) The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that county officials and employees who travel on official business will be treated fairly and be reimbursed at rates which are reasonable; which are consistent with actual, necessary costs; and which will ensure the promotion of economy in county government. The purpose is not to create any additional source of income beyond the official’s or employee’s compensation. If an official or employee chooses to take accommodations somewhat more luxurious than necessary, he or she must expect to pay the additional cost personally.
(1993 Code, § 31.30) (Ord. 90-8, passed 11-14-1990; Ord. 2007-09, passed 8-15-2007)
(A) In-county travel.
(1) All county officials and employees shall be entitled to reimbursement for authorized in-county travel by privately owned conveyance in the furtherance of their duties at the official Internal Revenue Service published rate for each mile traveled.
(2) Authorized in-county travel for County Board members shall be as defined by statute or county ordinance, or shall be as approved by the County Administrator, but shall not include travel necessary to attend committee or board meetings listed on the official schedule of meetings maintained by the County Clerk’s office.
(3) In-county travel for county officials and employees shall be defined by statute or county ordinance, or shall be approved by an appropriate supervisor.
(B) Out-of-county travel.
(1) (a) All travel outside the St. Louis metropolitan area shall be approved by the County Administrator for all employees in departments under the Board and by the appropriate county official for employees in other departments prior to the beginning of travel. For the purposes of these regulations, the St. Louis metropolitan area are those counties defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget as being within the St. Louis Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
(b) Requests for approval for travel outside the St. Louis metropolitan area shall be submitted by written memorandum. Approval by the County Administrator or appropriate county official shall be indicated on a copy for attachment to the travel voucher. No travel voucher will be approved for reimbursement unless accompanied by an approval request.
(2) Trips made outside the county but within the St. Louis metropolitan area require advance oral authorization by the department head for those departments under the County Board or from the appropriate county official for employees in other departments.
(1993 Code, § 31.31) (Ord. 90-8, passed 11-14-1990; Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994; Ord. passed 11-17-1999; Res. passed 5-16-2001; Ord. 2004-5, passed 7-31-2004; Ord. 2007-09, passed 8-15-2007; Ord. 2022-03, passed 7-20-2022)
(A) General. Modes of transportation authorized for official travel include automobiles, railroads, airlines, buses, taxicabs and other usual means of conveyance. Transportation may include fares and expenses incidental to transportation such as baggage transfer, official telephone messages in connection with items classed as transportation and reasonable tips.
(B) Taxicabs and limousines. Reimbursement for taxicab fares incurred in the efficient and economical pursuit of the county’s business will be allowed. All taxicab fares in excess of $7 must be accompanied by a receipt indicating the amount paid. When transportation by airport limousine is available and convenient, it shall be used in lieu of a taxicab.
(C) Travel at temporary location. Where the nature and location of the county business at a temporary location, such as, but not limited to, a convention, seminar and the like, is such that suitable meals cannot be procured there, the expenses of daily travel required to procure meals at the nearest available place will be considered necessary transportation. Also, transportation between place of lodging and place of business (meeting, convention, seminar and the like) will be allowed as a transportation expense. The use of a rental car for this purpose must be approved in advance by the County Administrator for all employees in departments under the Board or by the appropriate county official for employees in other departments, prior to the beginning of travel.
(D) Routing of travel. All travel shall be by the most direct route. Travel by other routes may be allowed when the official necessity therefor is satisfactory established. If an individual, for his or her own convenience, travels by an indirect route, he or she shall bear the extra expense. Reimbursement for expenses will be based only on such charges as would have been incurred by the most direct and economical route.
(E) Airplane accommodations. Travel on airplanes shall ordinarily be coach class. Reimbursement for first-class accommodations on commercial air carriers shall be permitted only when:
(1) Regularly scheduled flights between authorized origin and destination points provide only first-class accommodations;
(2) Space is not available in less than first-class accommodations in time to carry out the purpose of travel; and
(3) The County Administrator or the appropriate county official authorizes or approves the use of first-class accommodations as necessary for the conduct of the mission or other extenuating circumstances. Excursion and economy class accommodations should be used whenever warranted.
(F) Train accommodations. One standard sleeping car roomette is allowable when overnight travel is involved. When adequate coach accommodations are available, such accommodations are to be used to the maximum extent possible, on the basis of advantage to the county, suitability and convenience to the traveler and nature of the business involved. Otherwise, one seat in a sleeping or parlor car will be allowed.
(G) Use of privately-owned conveyance. The use of privately-owned motor vehicles for county business is not permitted for out-of-state travel except when such use is necessary or desirable due to lack of other convenient means of transportation or is otherwise advantageous to the county.
(H) Use of rental vehicles as the principal mode of transportation. The use of a rental vehicle for county business travel is permitted only when it can be demonstrated the total rental and fuel costs are advantageous to the county both in terms of the cost being less than the mileage payment if a private vehicle were used and less than public transportation, if a reasonable alternative exists. The use of a rental vehicle shall be approved by the County Administrator for all employees in departments under the Board, or by the appropriate county official for employees in other departments, prior to the beginning of travel.
(I) Mileage determinations. Distances between points traveled will be shown in official highway mileage guides or on official state maps. Substantial deviations from distances shown in the standard highway mileage guides shall be verified.
(1) Where no guides or maps are available, odometer readings may be used.
(2) Travel within, and in the near vicinity of a city may be reported as mileage in and around such city.
(3) When the use of public transportation is a reasonable alternative, the mileage payment shall not exceed the cost of using public transportation. A reasonable alternative exists when the cost of the travel, taking into account both time and costs, would be less if public transportation were used.
(4) Mileage will be payable to only one of two or more individuals traveling in the same vehicle. The names of individuals so traveling shall be stated on the travel voucher.
(1993 Code, § 31.32) (Ord. 90-8, passed 11-14-1990; Ord. 2007-09, passed 8-15-2007; Ord. 2022-03, passed 7-20-2022)
(A) Per diem expenses. Meal and incidental expenses (M&IE) allowances shall be provided in accordance with the published rates by the United States General Services Administration (GSA). A list of these published rates by locality shall be maintained by the County Auditor.
(1) A per diem allowance is allowed when the travel period is overnight or exceeds 18 hours.
(2) An allowance equal to the M&IE rate for the locality shall be allowed to cover the cost of meals, telegrams, telephone calls, reserving hotel accommodations, laundry, dry cleaning, tips and gratuities. Receipts need not be submitted to support this allowance.
(3) The M&IE rate shall be paid for each travel day except that employees are only eligible for only 75% of the total M&IE rate for the first day and last day of travel.
(B) Meal expense. For travel of less than 18 hours, but more than 12 hours, during the same calendar day when a night’s lodging is not required, an allowance of 75% of the total M&IE rate shall be provided.
(C) Lodging.
(1) The employee shall be reimbursed for the actual lodging cost, not to exceed the maximum lodging rate by locality, plus tax, as published by the GSA.
(2) Notwithstanding the above and foregoing, if there is a “convention rate” for lodging at the meeting(s) being attended by persons traveling, then and in that event the “convention rate” shall be allowed, and the amount over the sum of the GSA lodging rate per day for the locality shall be paid. A copy of the meeting brochure must be submitted with the travel voucher at the time of request for reimbursement.
(D) Memorandum of expenses. A memorandum of all travel expenditures chargeable to the county should be kept by individuals subject to these regulations. The information thus accumulated provides a basis for the proper preparation of travel vouchers.
(1993 Code, § 31.33) (Ord. 90-8, passed 11-14-1990; Ord. 2007-09, passed 8-15-2007)
(A) Frequency of submission. Travel vouchers should be submitted no later than seven days from the end of the month in which travel expense was incurred, and preferably before the end of the month in which travel expense was incurred. Individuals submitting travel vouchers are personally responsible for their accuracy and propriety.
(B) Preparation of travel vouchers. Travel vouchers may be typed or handwritten in ink. All copies must be legible and each page must be signed by the traveler.
(C) Receipts. Travel vouchers shall be supported in all instances by receipts for railroad and airplane transportation, lodging and all other individual items in excess of $5, except for meals and incidental items covered by the per diem expense allowance.
(1993 Code, § 31.34) (Ord. 90-8, passed 11-14-1990; Ord. 2007-09, passed 8-15-2007)