(A)   An owner making claim for loss of animals or poultry killed or injured by dogs shall report the loss to the Administrator within 24 hours after the loss occurs, shall have not less than two witnesses who are freeholders of the county substantiate the loss within 48 hours after the loss occurs, and shall appear before a member of the County Board within seven days after the loss to make affidavit.
   (B)   The Administrator or the person designated by him or her shall make an investigation, shall observe the animals in question, and shall visit the site where the animals were killed or injured. If the investigator is not a veterinarian and cannot confirm the claim to be valid, then the Administrator shall examine the animals or poultry and make written report to be filed with the County Treasurer as to the cause of death. If the report does not substantiate loss caused by dogs, the claim shall be denied by the Board.
   (C)   Applications used in making claims for damages for animals or poultry killed or injured by dogs shall be on forms as prescribed by the Department. Such forms shall include the amount of claim, the amount paid for each claim, the number and kind of animals or poultry killed or injured by dogs, and whether the animals were grade, or crossbred, hybrid, inbred and purebred animals registered with an appropriate breed association or organization. In the case of animals registered with an appropriate breed association or organization, the owner shall surrender the certificate of registry to the county. A copy of the certificate shall be maintained in the county records and the original certificate of registry shall be immediately forwarded to the appropriate breed association or organization for cancellation. Claim forms shall be available from the Administrator, County Treasurer, Board members and other county officials designated by the Board.
   (D)   All costs for the two witnesses to substantiate claims for loss of animals or poultry shall be paid by the owner of the animals or poultry. The Administrator or veterinarian requested by the Administrator to examine animals or poultry for which a claim has been made shall be paid from the Animal Control Fund if the loss is determined to be caused by dogs. If the veterinarian determines that the loss is due to some other cause, the cost of his or her services shall be borne by the claimant.
   (E)   The County Treasurer shall annually provide the Department an itemized list of claims showing the number and kind of animals or poultry killed or injured by dogs, whether the animals were grade, crossbred, hybrid, inbred and purebred animals registered with an appropriate breed association or organization, the amount of claim and the amount paid for each claim. This report shall be submitted not later than April 1 of each year.
   (F)   For the purpose of this chapter, POULTRY means chickens, ducks and geese, and shall not include domestic rabbits, guinea fowl, peafowl, pigeons, pheasants, quail and waterfowl covered by the state or federal game codes. Also, for the purpose of this chapter, animals other than goats, cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep and poultry as defined in this section, even though kept in captivity, are not eligible for payment under this subchapter.
(1993 Code, § 50.117) (Ord. 92-10, passed 11-18-1992; Ord. 2006-07, passed 6-21-2006; Ord. 2022-01, passed 3-16-2022)