The owner of any female dog or cat which is in heat shall not keep, harbor or otherwise maintain such dog or cat in the unincorporated parts of the county unless the dog or cat is confined in a secure enclosure during the entire period the dog or cat is in heat, except that it shall be lawful for a dog or cat in heat to be walked if the dog or cat remains on a leash and is not permitted to run at large. Any dog or cat in heat which is not so confined will be declared to be a public nuisance and may be apprehended by the County Animal Health Department and the Administrator or his or her deputies or agents.
(1993 Code, § 50.049) (Ord. 92-10, passed 11-18-1992; Ord. 2006-07, passed 6-21-2006; Ord. 2022-01, passed 3-16-2022)