(A)   Police power. The Administrator, Deputy Administrators and animal control wardens are, for the purpose of enforcing this chapter, clothed with power of police officers in the county and with the county are peace officers in the enforcement of this chapter, and of the similar provisions of the state statutes relating to animals and rabies, including issuance and service of citations and orders, and, as such peace officers have the power to make arrests on view or warrants for violations of this chapter and to execute and serve all warrants and processes issued by any Circuit Court; however, such officers are prohibited from carrying concealed weapons.
   (B)   Cooperation of Police Department. The Sheriff and his or her deputies and municipal police officers shall cooperate with the Administrator in carrying out the provisions of this chapter and the state statutes.
   (C)   Enforcement. The Administrator, Deputy Administrators and animal control wardens shall aid in the enforcement of the Humane Care for Animals Act, 510 ILCS 70/1 et seq., and shall have the ability to impound animals and apply for security posting for violation of that Act.
(1993 Code, § 50.020) (Ord. 92-10, passed 11-18-1992; Ord. 2003-08, passed 11-19-2003; Ord. 2006-07, passed 6-21-2006; Ord. 2022-01, passed 3-16-2022)