The provisions of this subchapter are to continue to ensure confidence to the residents of Madison County (hereinafter referred to as “county”) in their elected and appointed public officials by creating an addendum to the Illinois Statement of Economic Interests which will provide for a more transparent government. This subchapter is adopted pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-1113 as amended from time to time. This subchapter is not intended to replace the provisions of 5 ILCS 420/4A et seq. (Disclosure of Economic Interests), but to enact financial disclosure requirements that require information in addition to that which is currently required under said Act, as permitted by 5 ILCS 420/4A-101 (Persons Required to File), that reads as follows:
This section shall not be construed to prevent any unit of local government from enacting financial disclosure requirements that mandate more information than required by this Act.
(Ord. 2012-06, passed 6-20-2012)