Whenever in the judgment of the Council it becomes necessary in the interests of economy or because the necessity for the position or employment involved no longer exists, the Council may abolish any position or employment in the competitive service and lay off, demote, or transfer an employee holding such position or employment without filing written charges and without the right of appeal. Seniority shall be observed in effecting such reduction in personnel, and the order of layoff shall be in reverse order of the total cumulative time served in the city service upon the effective date of the layoff. Layoffs shall be made within classes of positions, and all provisional employees in the affected classes shall be laid off prior to the layoff of any probationary or permanent employee. For the purpose of determining order of layoff, the total cumulative time shall include any time served on a military leave of absence.
('61 Code, § 2-2.316) (Ord. 10 C.S., passed 9-20-61)