Any permanent employee in the competitive service who has been demoted, dismissed, or reduced in pay shall be entitled to request a written statement of the reasons for such action. Such a request shall be made within three working days following the action, and the employee shall have three additional working days within which to answer the charges in writing. In the event the employee requests the statement and prepares his or her written answer, copies of both shall be filed with the Personnel Officer, who shall transmit them to the Civil Service Commission. Within ten days from the date of filing his or her answer to the written charges, or in the event such written charges have not been made available to him or her within the time prescribed, then within ten days after the action taken to demote, dismiss, or reduce the pay of the employee, he or she may file a written demand with the Personnel Officer requesting a hearing before the Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission shall then investigate the case and conduct a hearing as provided in this subchapter and by the rules. The provisions of this section shall not apply to reductions in pay which are a part of a general plan to reduce salaries and wages.
('61 Code, § 2-2.314) (Ord. 10 C.S., passed 9-20-61)