The powers and duties of the Director of Finance shall be as follows:
   (A)   To administer the financial affairs of the city as required by law, under the direction of the City Administrator, and to submit all financial reports and other financial information as may be required or desired by the City Administrator or City Council directly to the City Council and to the City Administrator.
   (B)   To prepare the annual budget and estimates of revenues;
   (C)   To maintain a general accounting system for the city as a whole and for its departments, offices, and agencies;
   (D)   To act as City Purchasing Agent and to supervise and control the disbursement of all monies, the audit of all purchase orders prior to issuance, and the audit and approval of all bills, invoices, payrolls, demands, or other charges against the city to determine that the charges are regular and correct and that funds have been appropriated therefor;
   (E)   To submit to the City Council and the City Administrator a monthly statement of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show the exact financial condition of the city, and to submit annually, at the end of the fiscal year, a complete financial statement and report;
   (F)   To supervise the keeping of correct inventories of all property of the city by all city departments, offices, and agencies;
   (G)   To perform all other financial and accounting duties imposed upon the City Clerk by Cal. Gov't Code §§ 40802 through 40805.5 and perform all duties imposed upon the City Clerk by Cal. Gov't Code §§ 37201 through 37208 which may not be specifically enumerated in this section;
   (H)   To perform all functions and duties relating to the administration and collection of all licenses and other city taxes not collected by county or state agencies; and
   (I)   To perform such other duties specified by resolution of the City Council or as requested by the City Administrator.
('61 Code, § 2-2.203) (Ord. 318 N.S. passed - - ; Am. Ord. 591 C.S., passed 1-6-93; Am. Ord. 609 C.S., passed 1-5-94; Am. Ord. 632 C.S., passed 2-15-95)