When an area shall be opened for subdivision, the following rules shall govern:
(A) Each unit of house number may represent a frontage or space of more than 25 feet.
(B) Each successive unit of 100 may include more than one block.
(C) The designation of blocks as North, East, South, or West shall not be necessary.
(D) The numbering need not run in any particular direction but may be set forth in that manner as may be deemed most suitable for that particular area.
(E) For the purposes of this section only, any changes allowed by this section shall be made only after approval by the Planning Commission.
(F) In the event the provisions of this section shall conflict with any other provisions of this chapter, the provisions of this section shall control.
('61 Code, § 9-6.05) (Ord. 149, as added by Ord. 180 N.S., passed - - )