(A) Definition. A manufactured home is a home certified to be manufactured under the National Manufactured Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C.A. Section 5401 et seq.).
(B) Permit Required. As provided by Section 18551 of the California Health and Safety Code, installation or relocation of a manufactured home on permanent foundation systems outside a state- licensed mobile home park, travel trailer park, recreational vehicle park or temporary trailer park on lots where conventional single-family dwellings can be developed shall first be authorized by a building permit issued by the Community Development Department Building Division. The issuance validity, expiration, suspension or revocation of manufactured home building permits and inspections, performed under such permits, are subject to Chapter 3 et. seq. of the most recently adopted edition of the Uniform Administrative Code as published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO).
(C) Application. Application for the installation of a manufactured home shall be made to the Building Official on a form provided by the Building Official prior to the transporting of the manufactured home to the intended site. Each application shall be accompanied with the following information.
(1) Address of site on which the manufactured home is to be located.
(2) Name and current address of the owner of the property.
(3) Name and address of the persons installing the manufactured home.
(4) A completed city provided fully dimensioned plot plan, drawn to scale, showing lot size and location of the manufactured home, garage, carport, patios, porches and other buildings on the site, existing or proposed.
(5) A certificate of compliance from the Madera Unified School District, reflecting the correct area address and owners name of the manufactured home.
(6) One current and unexpired copy of the manufacture's installation instructions bearing the State Department of Housing and Community Development's insignia of approval or a conventional foundation clan.
(7) A name plate or certificate indicating the date of manufacture bearing the State Department of Housing and Community Development's insignia of approval.
(8) Plans and specifications of the foundation, water and sewer connections, and details required to illustrate connections and construction of garage, carport, porch, patio or other structures attached to the manufactured home.
(9) Photographs or brochures of the home to be installed.
(D) Architectural Requirements. Manufactured homes shall have the same architectural standards as a conventional single family dwelling and look substantially like a conventional single family dwelling as to its roof overhang, roofing material, siding material, parking and zoning requirements. It shall be permanently attached to an approved foundation system, City sewer and water services. Mobile homes, travel trailers, motor homes and recreational vehicles do not meet this criteria.
(E) Zoning Requirements. Manufactured homes shall meet the same standards as a conventional single family dwelling in regards to parking, building setbacks and other zoning requirements.
(1) Installation shall be allowed on all lots in the R-1. Residential Zone, created for conventional single family dwelling units, pursuant to the provisions of the individual zone.
(2) Installation shall not be permitted in the PD. Planned Development Zone, unless so authorized by the approved Precise Plan.
(3) Installation shall not be permitted in any subdivision where manufactured units or mobile homes are prohibited by recorded deed restrictions.
(F) Age Limitation. No manufactured home shall be allowed to be installed when more than ten years have elapsed between date of manufacture of the manufactured home and the date of application for the installation of the manufactured home.
(G) Permit Fees. All fees to be charged in connection with the regulations set forth in this chapter shall be as established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 670 C.S., passed 4-2-97)