(A)   For the purposes of this chapter, SOLID WASTE means any of a variety of materials, which are discarded or rejected as being worthless and includes, but is not limited to garbage, rubbish, or offal.
   (B)   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      AUTHORIZED AGENT. The city or any private party authorized by written agreement executed by the city to collect solid waste, including recyclables and green waste from residential and/or commercial customers within the city limits.
      COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BINS. Bins provided by a contract agent, usually one to six cubic yards, more or less in capacity, designed for the deposit of solid waste, placed by an authorized agent at commercial premises for the collection of commercial solid waste and charged at commercial rates. COMMERCIAL BINS do not include construction and demolition bins placed at residential premises.
      COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PREMISES. All premises in the city, other than residential premises, where commercial/industrial solid wastes are generated or accumulated.
      COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE. All types of solid waste, including organics and recyclable solid waste, generated or accumulated at commercial premises and placed in commercial bins for accumulation and collection. COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTES do not include residential solid waste.
      CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS (C&D). Disposal materials resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, clean up, or demolition operations that are not hazardous as defined in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, §§ 66261.3 et seq. This term includes but is not limited to asphalt, concrete, cement concrete, brick, lumber, gypsum wallboard, cardboard, and other associated packaging, roofing material, ceramic tile, carpeting, plastic pipe and steel, as well as vegetative matter resulting from land clearing and landscaping including but not limited to rock, soil, and tree stumps.
      FRONT YARD. The front yard zoning setback of any dwelling or property as determined by the Zoning Code.
      GARBAGE. Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and serving of food. This term specifically does not include food processing wastes from canneries, slaughterhouses, packing plants or similar industries, and does not include large quantities of condemned food products.
      GREEN/YARD WASTE MATERIAL. The following materials to be collected by the city through its authorized agents: waste at their source of generation which are derived from plant material, including, but limited to, leaves, grass, clippings, weeds, tree trimmings, untreated wood waste, or shrubbery cuttings.
      HAZARDOUS WASTE. Any waste materials or mixture of wastes defined as a "hazardous substance" or "hazardous waste" pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), being 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et seq., the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), being 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq., and all future amendments to either, or as defined by the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Where there is a conflict in the definitions employed by two or more agencies having jurisdiction over hazardous or solid waste, the term HAZARDOUS WASTE shall be construed to have the broader, more encompassing definition.
      INDUSTRIAL REFUSE. The solid waste materials from factories, processing plants, and other manufacturing enterprises, including condemned animals or parts of animals from slaughterhouses or similar places.
      NONCOMBUSTIBLE SOLID WASTE. Ashes, bottles, broken crockery, glass, tin cans, metal and metallic substances which will not incinerate through contact with flame of ordinary temperature.
      OFFAL. Those animals that die naturally from disease or are accidentally killed but shall not mean condemned animals or parts of animals from slaughterhouses or similar places.
      ORGANIC WASTE. The term "organic waste" means "organic waste" as defined in Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 42649.8. In particular, it means "food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, non-hazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste.
      ORGANIC WASTE GENERATOR. The term "organic waste generator" means "organic waste generator" as defined in Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 42649.8 and a business subject to Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 42649.81(a).
      RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. A material which has commercial value and which is sold for compensation or donated to an entity other than a solid waste authorized agent or enterprise. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS lose their character as RECYCLABLE MATERIALS upon being disposed of in the waste stream and become solid waste subject to this chapter.
      RECYCLABLES/RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. Shall mean the following materials to be collected by the city through its authorized agents: newspaper, tin, aluminum, glass, plastic (polyethylene teraphthelate and high density polyethylene plastic) and cardboard.
      RECYCLABLE SERVICE. The process, by written agreement with an authorized agent, by which recyclable materials are placed in special containers, normally blue in color, at curbside by residential and commercial customers for collection by the city's authorized agent.
      RECYCLABLE SOLID WASTE. A form of solid waste designated as a recyclable solid waste by the city, the California Integrated Waste Management Board, or other agency with jurisdiction over solid waste, and which has been separated by a solid waste service recipient from nonrecyclable solid waste. RECYCLABLE SOLID WASTE is a part of the solid waste stream which can be reused or processed into a form suitable for reuse through reprocessing or remanufacture, consistent with the requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act. The term RECYCLABLE SOLID WASTE includes both mixed recyclables which have been separated from other solid waste and source-separated single-category recyclable solid waste. RECYCLABLE SOLID WASTE does not include those potentially recoverable items which are commingled with nonrecyclable solid waste, i.e. commingled solid waste and potentially recyclable articles or materials, or recyclable material.
      REFUSE. All putrescible solid waste, semisolid, and liquid waste, including garbage, trash, refuse, paper, ashes, and any other solid and semi-solid waste. REFUSE does not include hazardous waste or radioactive waste.
      RESIDENTIAL. All single-family residences and those multi-family residences (including mobile home parks) which have curbside or alley capability and are designated by the City Administrator for recyclable and green/yard waste collection.
(‘61 Code, § 5-3.01) (Ord. 326 N.S., passed - -; Am. Ord. 605 C.S., passed 12-1-93; Am. Ord. 643 C.S., passed 10-4-95; Am. Ord. 715 C.S., passed 3-15-00; Am. Ord. 842 C.S., passed 8-20-08; Am. Ord. 970 C.S., passed 4-1-20)