(A) The Council may act on a claim in one of the following ways:
(1) If the Council finds the claim is not a proper charge against the city, the Council shall reject the claim.
(2) If the Council finds the claim is a proper charge against the city and is for an amount justly due, the Council shall allow the claim.
(3) If the Council finds the claim is a proper charge against the city but is for an amount greater than is justly due, the Council shall either reject the claim or allow it in the amount justly due and reject it as to the balance.
(B) If the Council allows the claim in whole or in part or compromises the claim, the Council may require the claimant, if he or she accepts the amount allowed or offered to settle the claim, to accept it in settlement of the entire claim.
('61 Code, § 1-6.13) (Ord. 437 C.S., passed 1-16-85)