If an application for a dog license shows that the dog for which such license is sought had been honorably discharged from service of the Armed Forces of the United States, or is a seeing-eye dog in the service of any blind person, or is being trained or raised for seeing-eye service, or is a signal dog in the service of any deaf person, or is being trained or raised for signal service, or is a service dog in the service of any physically disabled person, or is being rained or raised for physically disabled service or is owned by a person who is 55 years of age or older, a license shall be issued gratuitously and shall contain thereon a statement of the reason for such gratuitous issuance. A gratuitous license issued to a dog owned by a person 55 years of age or older shall be limited to one license per person, per household, per calendar year.
('61 Code, § 5-1.08) (Ord. 254 N.S., passed - - ; Am. Ord. 673, passed 5-21-97; Am. Ord. 686 C.S., passed 7-15-98)