(A)   Procedures for specific amounts. The procedures in this section shall be followed when purchasing or leasing materials, supplies, equipment, or services that are: (i) not public projects as defined in § 2-4.06 of this Code and (ii) not procured through requests for qualifications and requests for proposals.
      (1)   Less than $6,000. All city employees authorized to purchase or lease materials, supplies, equipment, or services shall ensure that the city pays fair prices and receives commensurate value for amounts expended.
      (2)   $6,000 to less than $15,000. Price quotes must be solicited, either verbally or in writing, from a minimum of three vendors, if available. The low-price quote must be confirmed in writing by the vendor.
      (3)   $15,000 to less than $60,000. Written specifications describing the delivery schedule, materials, supplies, equipment, or services must be prepared by city. Price quotes must be solicited in writing from a minimum of three vendors, if available.
      (4)   $60,000 or higher. The informal bidding requirements under § 2-4.06(D)(2) of this Code relating to public projects shall be followed except that for non-public projects, the city is not required to award to the lowest bidder. The city may award to the best qualified vendor. In determining "best qualified vendor", as used in this section, consideration is to be given to quality and performance of the goods and supplies, equipment or materials to be purchased or nonprofessional services to be provided by the vendor. Criteria for determining best qualified vendor includes, but is not limited to, the following:
         (a)   The cost or best value of the goods and supplies, equipment, materials, or nonprofessional services;
         (b)   The ability, capacity, and skill of the vendor to perform the contract and to provide the goods and supplies, equipment, materials, or nonprofessional services requested;
         (c)   The ability of vendor to provide the goods and supplies, equipment, materials, or nonprofessional services promptly or within the time specified and without delay;
         (d)   The quality of vendor's performance on previous purchases or contracts; and
         (e)   The vendor's responsiveness.
   (B)   Purchase order or written contract required. Purchases of supplies, equipment, and services of $6,000 or more shall be made only by written purchase order or by written contract.
   (C)   Emergency purchases. In the case of an emergency regarding a non-public project as defined in § 2-4.06, the Purchasing Agent may determine to proceed with the immediate purchase of goods, supplies, equipment, materials, or services. The term EMERGENCY means a sudden, unexpected occurrence that poses a clear and imminent danger requiring immediate action to prevent or mitigate the loss or impairment of life, health, property, or essential services. Such immediate purchase of goods, supplies, equipment, materials, or services still requires the standard terms and conditions for written purchase orders or written contracts.
      (1)   If the dollar amount is within the City Manager's authority, the Purchasing Agent shall promptly file with the City Manager a signed declaration showing that emergency conditions existed and created the necessity for such action, together with an itemized account of all expenditures.
      (2)   If the dollar amount is above the City Manager's authority, the Purchasing Agent shall at the next regular meeting of the Council seek ratification of the purchase by resolution which includes the emergency conditions which existed and the immediate need to take action, together with an itemized account of all expenditures.
   (D)   Prohibition against piecemealing, splitting or separating purchases. It is impermissible to split or separate purchases of materials, supplies, equipment or services for the purpose of evading the provisions of the procedures for specific amounts set forth above.
(Ord. 996 C.S., passed 12-21-22)