(A) No person shall keep an uncovered trash container in any area at the airport. No vehicle used for hauling trash, dirt, or other material shall be operated on the airport unless such vehicle is so constructed as to prevent the contents thereof from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom. The area to be used for trash/garbage containers shall be designated by the Manager, and no other area shall be used. Such areas shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times.
(B) All lessees at the airport shall maintain bulletin boards in conspicuous places for the purpose of posting information for their personnel and for all notices issued by the Manager.
(C) All lessees at the airport shall post on their bulletin boards Workmen's Compensation notices, lists of physicians, and the names of liability insurance carriers.
(D) No tenant or lessee on the airport shall store or stack material or equipment in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to personnel or property.
(E) All tenants and lessees shall supply and maintain on their leasehold adequate and readily accessible fire extinguishers as are approved by fire insurance underwriters for the particular hazard involved and as may be deemed necessary by the Fire Chief.
(F) All airport billings shall be payable upon presentation unless otherwise noted thereon.
(G) All percentages or income charges shall be payable within ten days of the end of the period in which the income was received unless otherwise stipulated in writing.
(H) No tenant, lessee, or grantee shall be permitted to make structural or decorative changes or additions of any type without the permission of the Manager.
(I) For the purpose of accurately metering electrical power used by a tenant, lessee, or grantee, a meter socket shall be provided by the tenant, lessee, or grantee when deemed necessary by the Manager.
(J) Tenants, lessees, and grantees shall be fully responsible to the city for all damages to buildings, equipment, real property, and appurtenances in the ownership or custody of the city, but under lease, loan, or direct control of such tenants, lessees, and grantees, caused by negligence, abuse, or carelessness on the part of their employees, agents, customers, visitors, suppliers, or persons with whom they do business.
(K) Tenants shall maintain their leased areas in a manner satisfactory to the City Administrator and in accordance with their individual lease agreements. Failure to adhere to such provisions shall be considered sufficient reason to warrant cancellation of the lease agreement in part or in whole by the city.
('61 Code, § 3-6.57) (Ord. 44 C.S., passed 4-3-63)