(A) The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for keeping accurate and complete records and providing oversight of lease payment collections on behalf of the County Board.
(B) The County Clerk shall turn over all records in his or her office’s possession regarding any lease agreements that the county has currently entered into, to the Chief Financial Officer of the County Board and the County Board Chairperson upon the passage of this section.
(C) The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for invoicing and monitoring lease payments made by current lessees of county-owned property and all ensuing provisions should be implemented and effective beginning at an appropriate time in the same calendar year that Resolution 2011.29 is adopted.
(D) Based upon the terms of each individual lease agreement, the Chief Financial Officer of the County Board shall send an invoice to any lessee requesting full payment at least 30 days prior to the amount coming due to the county as determined by the lease agreement.
(E) The Chief Financial Officer shall notify the Chairperson of the County Board and the Chairperson of the Finance Committee of the County Board, by electronic or written communication within five days of the payment due date each year if a payment is not made by a lessee who entered into an agreement before or after the adoption of this section, according to terms of the agreement reached with the County Board.
(F) A late fee provision, in the amount of 10% of the payment or $500, whichever is greater, shall be imposed on any lease agreement entered into after the adoption of this section, when a lessee has become more than 30 days delinquent on a required payment.
(G) Beginning with calendar year 2012 and every year thereafter, the Chief Financial Officer shall prepare an annual summary report in the month of January to reflect the current status of each lease agreement entered into before or after the adoption of this section, including but not limited to the dates the most recent payments were due and paid, and any other pertinent provisions surrounding the particular lease agreement; and the Chief Financial Officer shall submit such a report to the Executive Committee of the County Board and the full County Board prior to posting on the county’s official website for viewing by all members of the general public.
(H) The County Treasurer shall keep accurate and complete records of all deposits made to the county treasury regarding lease payments, including but not limited to information concerning the name of the fund deposited and date deposited.
(I) A delinquent lease repayment strategy shall be implemented by the Chief Financial Officer of the County Board on all lease agreements, requiring a written request to a delinquent lessee ten days following a missed lease payment, also noting potential late fees due to the county upon a payment received more than 30 days late for those agreements entered into after the adoption of this section; and the turning over of the account to the Macoupin County State’s Attorney 45 days following a missed required payment for recovery of funds.
(J) All other terms and conditions of the original and future lease agreements made by the county remain in full force.
(Res. 2011.29, passed 5-10-2011)