(A)   All dogs and cats kept and maintained within the county shall be registered by the owner or owners thereof with Macon County Animal Control through its authorized agents. Such registration shall be valid for one year from the date of a one-year vaccination, and three years from the date of a three year vaccination. The annual registration fee for dogs and cats registered within 30 days of inoculation against rabies shall be $10 if the dog or cat is spayed or neutered and $35 if the dog or cat is not so altered. The owner or owners thereof shall remit the required registration fee for each dog or cat at the time of inoculation. The veterinarian who inoculated the dog or cat shall collect the registration fees. The veterinarian shall remit the registration fees collected to the Macon County Animal Control through its authorized agent. If the vaccination is obtained out of county, the registration fee must be paid to the authorized agent for collection for Macon County Animal Control. The registration fee for any dog or cat registered more than 30 days after the date of inoculation against rabies shall be double the original fee. Exempt from the registration fee are trained public safety agency owned dogs maintained by public safety officers for use in public safety duties full-time, with proof of such certified by the public safety agency's chief or other agency head.
   (B)   Upon payment of the annual registration fee, unless exempt from such payment, a registration certificate will be issued by the veterinarian who shall remit the original to the Macon County Animal Control through its authorized agent. A copy of said certificate shall be kept by the owner and the veterinarian inoculating the dog or cat. The registration certificate shall be appropriately numbered and serially filed by the authorized agent of Macon County Animal Control.
   (C)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to dogs or cats the owners of which are not residents within the county and are temporarily within the county for a period of less than 30 days, nor shall they apply to feral cats.
(Ord. O-67-6-07, passed 4-9-2009)