§ 155.180 SPECIAL USES.
   (A)   The County Board may grant a special permit, for the following special uses in certain district(s), unless otherwise prohibited by this chapter.
   (B)   Any special use (permit) may include a specified period of time and may be limited to the applicant or owner, in order, to comply with the intent of this chapter and to conserve and protect the property and property values in the neighborhood:
      (1)   Private landing field, or landing strip for aircraft and heliports owned and operated by the property owner thereof;
      (2)   Cemetery, including animal, or mausoleum;
      (3)   A hospital, clinic, nursing home, sheltered care home, or similar institutions which may be permitted in a residential district, shall be located on a site of not less than five acres, shall not occupy more than 10% of the total lot area, and shall be set back from all yard lines at least two feet for each foot of building height. A special use permit shall not be available in the agricultural district;
      (4)   Privately operated community building or recreation field, except in agricultural and residential districts;
      (5)   A public or government building and public use of any publicly owned and operated property, except in the agricultural and residential districts;
      (6)   Radio and television broadcasting tower or station;
      (7)   Mobile home parks, mobile home developments, and travel trailer camp. (The definition of the term MOBILE HOME shall be expanded, for the purpose of this section, to also include manufactured homes.)
         (a)   A mobile home park. A mobile home park may be permitted by a special permit in any residential or business zone on areas topographically or locationally well suited, when it can be found that the granting of the permit to allow construction of the mobile home park will not adversely affect public health, safety, or surrounding property values. Mobile home park facilities shall comply with the following and any additional requirements as may be deemed necessary of surrounding areas.
            1.   All appropriate state and county sanitary regulations shall strictly be observed.
            2.   With the request for zoning shall be submitted a plat showing the lot sites, streets, utilities, easements, and open spaces.
            3.   The development density will not exceed 14 units per acres and the minimum lot size for any single unit will be 3,000 square feet.
            4.   Both community water and community sewer shall be provided for each and every lot in a mobile home park.
            5.   No mobile home shall be parked closer to any street or highway than the required front yard setback, nor shall any mobile home be parked closer than 35 feet to any property line, except in the B2 Districts. The perimeter of the park shall be planted in evergreen shrubs or have constructed a site-break fence not less than six feet in height; a clearance of not less than 15 feet shall be maintained between the mobile homes on all sides.
            6.   Service buildings or other facilities for bathing, laundry, and sanitation shall be provided as required by the state and local health regulations, except that mobile home sales shall not be considered part of the service area unless the park is located in a business zone. The services shall be located at least 35 feet from the side and rear lot lines and shall be accessible to mobile home spaces by means of the access drives or hard-surfaced walks.
            7.   A fenced, protected recreation and playground area shall be established and maintained and shall comprise at least 8% of the total park area.
            8.   Each lot shall contain a driveway or parking space of sufficient size to accommodate at least two vehicles on the trailer site.
            9.   All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a hard-surfaced driveway or access way of not less than 25 feet in width.
            10.   All mobile home parks shall be constructed in accordance with standards developed for the construction as adopted by the County Board, and no unit shall be placed on any addition to a mobile home park until streets and improvements are constructed and have been inspected by the building and health inspectors of this county.
         (b)   A tourist or trailer camp. A trailer camp may be allowed in any B or Agriculture Zone, provided that there are at least ten acres in the proposed development tract, subject to approval of a special permit development plan, and provided that the following and any additional requirements as may be deemed necessary for proper development and the protection of surrounding areas are met.
            1.   All appropriated state and county sanitation regulations shall be strictly observed.
            2.   Exclusive of all drives, at least 2,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling shall be provided; no trailer shall be parked closer to the street or highway than 20 feet to any property line. All the parks shall be buffered by a planted hedge or site-screened fence constructed around their perimeter. Clearance of not less than 15 feet shall be maintained between trailers.
            3.   All trailer spaces shall abut upon a hard-surfaced driveway or access way of not less than 25 feet in width.
            4.   Service buildings or other facilities for bathing, laundry, and sanitation shall be provided as required by state and local health regulations and shall be located at least 35 feet from the side and rear lot lines and shall be accessible to spaces by means of the access drives or hard-surfaced walks.
            5.   A protected recreation and playground area shall be established and maintained.
      (8)   A special permit may be issued by the County Board to operate a refuse disposal area in any district other than an R District on areas topographically or locationally well suited, when it can determine that the operation of a refuse disposal area on the area will not adversely affect public health, safety, or surrounding property values.
         (a)   In addition to other requirements governing requests or petitions for such a special use permit, the petitioner shall submit with the request or petition sufficient information and/or maps concerning the topography, soil conditions, and availability of water to provide a basis for making the above mentioned findings.
         (b)   The request or petition for a special use permit shall also include information concerning the method to be used in disposing of the refuse; the nature of the refuse to be placed in the area; the approximate amount of refuse to be disposed of weekly; the plans for operation; the equipment to be used in the area; and the proposed reclamation of the area.
         (c)   The request or petition and the special use permit shall provide for the dumping of one or more of the types of refuse enumerated in § 1 of Article 1 of the County Refuse Ordinance, which are classified as follows; I – Garbage; II – Combustible rubbish; III – Non-combustible rubbish; IV – Street rubbish; V – Ashes; VI – Bulky wastes; VII – Construction and demolition wastes; VIII – Putrescible industrial refuse; IX – Non-putrescible industrial refuse; and X – Household pets, birds, rodents, and the wastes thereof.
         (d)   The Administrative Officer shall furnish a copy of the petition, together with a copy of each of the supplementary documents or maps submitted therewith, to the Director of the County Regional Planning Commission and to the Director of the County Health Department, who shall submit written recommendations of approval or denial and their reasons thereof to the Board of Appeals and to the Zoning Committee of the County Board.
         (e)   In addition to any other conditions and safeguards imposed by the Board of this county, all these special permits shall contain the following conditions and safeguards. All refuse disposal operations in the refuse disposal area for which the permit is granted shall be conducted in compliance and conformity with all applicable state statutes and county ordinance, including but not limited to the county refuse ordinance.
         (f)   Any special use permit issued hereunder shall expire two years from the date of its issuance unless state and county licenses for operation of a refuse disposal area on the real estate for which the permit is granted are obtained within that period of time, unless the request or petition and special permit issued thereafter state otherwise.
      (9)   Except in the agricultural and residential districts, railroad right-of-way (together with tracks and auxiliary facilities for tracks operations), passenger stations, freight terminals, switching yards, classification yards, repair shops, roundhouses, power houses, interlocking towers, fueling, sanding, and water stations, and other similar facilities not in existence on the effective date of this chapter;
      (10)   Telephone exchange buildings;
      (11)   Pumping or booster stations along a pipeline or substations along an electric transmission line; and
      (12)   Automobile graveyards or automobile wrecking yards (junkyards) may be allowed in any zoning districts except the agricultural and residential districts.
(Ord. O-95-2-12, passed 2-9-2012)