(A)   Exemptions.
      (1)   The provisions of this chapter shall not be exercised so as to impose regulations or require permits with respect to land use or to be used for agricultural purposes, or with respect to the erection, maintenance, repair, alteration, remodeling, or extension of buildings or structures used or to be used for agricultural purposes upon the land, except that the buildings or structures for agricultural purposes shall be required to conform to building or setback lines. In the event that the land ceases to be used solely for agricultural purposes, then and only then shall the provisions of this chapter apply.
      (2)   The following uses, being exempted by the county zoning statute, are permitted in any district: poles, towers, wires, cables, vaults, pipelines, laterals, or any similar distributing equipment of a public utility.
   (B)   Fences, walls, and hedges.
      (1)   Except as provided in § 155.053, a fence, wall, or hedge may be erected, placed, maintained, or grown along a lot line on residentially zoned property to be a height of not exceeding eight feet above the ground level, except that no fence, wall, or hedge which is located in a required front or corner side yard shall exceed a height of three and one-half feet. No electric or barbed wire fence shall be permitted in any residential district except for the RE5 and RMH5 – Single Family Estate zones.
      (2)   No fence, wall, hedge, or shrubbery shall be erected, placed, maintained, or grown along a lot line on any nonresidentially zoned property, adjacent to residentially zoned property, to a height exceeding eight feet.
      (3)   In any residence district no fence, wall, hedge, or shrubbery shall be erected, constructed, maintained, or grown to a height exceeding three feet above the street grade nearest hereto, within 25 feet of the intersection of any street lines or of street lines projected.
   (C)   Mobile homes and manufactured homes. The following regulations apply to mobile homes and manufactured homes.
      (1)   A mobile home or manufactured home shall not be considered to be permissible as an accessory building.
      (2)   No person shall park, store, or occupy a mobile home for living purposes except in an approved mobile home park, or where permitted by a special use permit, or in an agricultural district when used for agricultural purposes.
      (3)   A mobile home or manufactured home may be used as a temporary office or shelter incidental to construction on or development of the premises on which the home is located, only during the time construction or development is actively underway.
      (4)   Foundations for manufactured homes shall be the same design as required for conventionally build homes.
   (D)   Television satellite dishes. The following regulations shall apply to the placement of all television satellite dishes and similar devices (except those used for sales/display purposes only), whether attached to a building or structure, mounted on a permanent foundation, mounted on a temporary foundation, or placed on the ground.
      (1)   Any device mounted on the roof of a building must be set back from all property lines the same distances that are required for the building to which it is attached.
      (2)   Except as regulated in division (D)(1) above, all devices must be set back at least 35 feet from the front property line; at least 35 feet from a side property line along a street; at least three feet from a side property line not along a street; and at least three feet from the rear property line.
      (3)   No separation between these devices and any building shall be required.
(Ord. O-95-2-12, passed 2-9-2012) Penalty, see § 155.999