Within 30 days after the Committee review, the Committee shall transmit the plat, all documents accompanying the same, and exhibits offered or introduced therewith, to the County Board, and shall therewith submit to the Board its recommendation as to whether the Committee approves the proposed plat. The recommendation of the Committee may be accompanied by a statement of the Committee setting forth its reasons for the recommendation. The plat and recommendations along with all other matters and things required to be submitted therewith shall be submitted to the County Board not later than 90 days after the submission of the plat to the County Regional Planning Commission, unless the period shall be extended by order of the County Board upon which duly made by a member thereof and passed at any regular, special, or called meeting thereof.
(Ord. O-63-9-06, passed 9-14-2006; Ord. O-72-5-08, passed 5-8-2008)