§ 113.39 LOCATION.
   (A)   (1)   In choosing a location for a facility, a telecommunications carrier shall consider the following:
         (a)   A nonresidentially zoned lot is the most desirable location;
         (b)   A residentially zoned lot that is not used for residential purposes is the second most desirable location;
         (c)   A residentially zoned lot that is two acres or more in size and is used for residential purposes is the third most desirable location; and
         (d)   A residentially zoned lot that is less than two acres in size and is used for residential purposes is the least desirable location.
      (2)   The size of a lot shall be the lot’s gross area in square feet without deduction of any unbuildable or unusable land, any roadway, or any other easement.
   (B)   No building or tower that is part of a facility should encroach onto any recorded easement prohibiting the encroachment unless the grantees of the easement have given their approval.
   (C)   No facility should encroach onto an existing septic field.
   (D)   No portion of a facility’s supporting structure or equipment housing shall be less than 15 feet from the front lot line of the facility lot or less than ten feet from any other lot line.
(Res. G-1699-11-97, passed 11- -1997)