(A)   The county wishes to protect the interests of the citizens and businesses of the county, while at the same time accommodating the expanding needs of the community for a wide spectrum of communication services including cellular telephone and personal communication, plus new types of wireless communication services yet to be developed.
   (B)   Specifically, the regulations and requirements set forth in this chapter are adopted:
      (1)   To protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county;
      (2)   To preserve and protect the property values and the enjoyment of property throughout the county;
      (3)   To promote the orderly development of the county;
      (4)   To avoid potential damage to public utilities and to nearby buildings or structures;
      (5)   To accommodate, equally and fairly, the communication needs of the citizens and businesses of the county; and
      (6)   To preserve the attractive visual character of the residential neighborhoods and rural farmlands of the county.
(Res. G-1699-11-97, passed 11- -1997)