(A)   A filing fee of $75 shall be required to be paid at the time an application for a license is filed. Any person, organization, corporation, and the like wishing to obtain a license for a temporary entertainment or recreational event must first file an application with the Chairperson of the County Board. No specific format for the application is required, but the application must contain at a minimum sufficient information in the following areas (where applicable) to allow a reasonable determination to be made:
      (1)   Name, address, and phone number of all persons, organizations, corporations, and the like sponsoring or organizing the proposed event;
      (2)   Type of event, location, date(s), and times/hours or operation proposed;
      (3)   Number of persons expected to attend the proposed event, the maximum number of people that could attend (where applicable), and the method used in arriving at these figures;
      (4)   Provisions proposed for parking, traffic control, security, and crowd control;
      (5)   Provisions proposed for supplying adequate safe drinking water and toilet facilities;
      (6)   Provisions proposed for emergency medical needs;
      (7)   Provisions proposed to ensure compliance with all state and local fire, health, and safety codes; and
      (8)   Provisions proposed for insurance or bonding to be held by the applicant.
   (B)   Where applicable, the applicant must also show that all other required state or local permits have been applied for.
   (C)   If the information provided is determined to be insufficient, then the Chairperson of the County Board may require that the applicant supply more information so that a reasonable determination can be made concerning the proposed temporary event.
(Ord. O-8-8-85, passed 8-13-1985)