(a) All full-time, part-time and special employees of the Municipality, excluding persons in exempt positions, shall be paid overtime pay for all hours in excess of forty worked in any one week. Hourly paid employees shall receive overtime pay at a rate equivalent to one and one-half times their regular hourly rate for all overtime worked. Salaried, but not exempt, employees shall be paid overtime pay at a rate equivalent to one and one-half times their hourly compensation rate as determined in accordance with Section 161.01(a).
(b) In calculating overtime pay, hours not worked because of sick leave, vacation and holidays shall be included in determining the regular forty hour week as if worked. Any employee who, with the approval of his or her department head, regularly works less than the standard forty hour work week shall not be entitled to overtime pay for hours worked in excess of such employee’s normal work week unless such employee works in excess of forty hours.
(c) When a part-time member of the Fire Department is working twenty-four hour shifts, they will be compensated at 1.5 times their basic rate of pay for hours worked in excess of forty-eight hours in a week. Also, when a part-time member of the Fire Department is authorized to work a holiday, they will be compensated at 1.5 times their basic rate of pay for the holiday worked. (Ord. 123-2018. Passed 1-24-19.)