In addition to the Fire Chief, the Fire Department may consist of the following:
(a) Assistant Fire Chief, who shall serve as the Executive Assistant to the Fire Chief, who, in the absence of the Chief, is authorized to exercise the authority and perform the duties of the Chief;
(b) Any number of up to three Fire Captains;
(c) Any number of up to three Fire Lieutenants;
(d) Any number of regular, full-time fire fighters as may be provided for by Council;
(e) Any number of part-time fire fighters as may be provided for by Council who shall be appointed pursuant to Section 8.05(b) of the Charter. All part-time fire fighters shall be considered “regular firemen” for the purpose of workers’ compensation and insurance coverage and benefits. Part-time fire fighters may be assigned certain ranks and designated duties pursuant to the Macedonia Fire Department’s Standard Operating Procedure Manual.
(f) Secretary to the Fire Chief, a nonclassified position, who shall serve as a confidential employee and assigned duties and responsibilities by the Chief of the Department.
(Ord. 58-2021. Passed 9-23-21.)