The existence of broken, uneven, or otherwise improperly-maintained sidewalks is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The City, in addition to any and all procedures and/or
recourse otherwise available under law, may take the following steps to identify and abate such nuisance:
   (a)    The Building Commissioner or their designee shall, at their discretion, inspect areas of the City with sidewalk(s) located thereon. Inspection shall be conducted utilizing the following criteria, with the presence of one or more criteria representing a nuisance condition:
      (1)   Adjoining sections of block, or a portion thereof, the edges of which differ vertically by three-fourths of an inch or more;
      (2)    Multiple cracks in block creating three (3) or more distinct pieces;
      (3)    Abrupt dip or raised area in walk being three (3") inches or more from a straight-line grade within a ten (10') foot distance;
      (4)    Spalled or scaled surface over fifty percent (50%) or more of surface area;
      (5)    Gaps or missing areas in walk exceeding one-half inch (½") wide crack; or
      (6)    Blocks having slopes or depressions that impound water to a depth of one-half inch (½") or more.
   (b)   Written notice of any nuisance condition identified from said inspection shall be provided to the owner or occupant of the land abutting such sidewalk. The notice shall be sent by the Building Commissioner, or their designee, to the owner or occupant by certified mail, regular mail, or by personal service.
   (c)   The Building Commissioner or their designee are hereby authorized to solicit bids and, thereafter, to proceed to abate, or cause to be abated, any nuisance identified through the Sidewalk Repair Program.
   (d)   When any such nuisance condition is abated by the City, or caused to be abated by the City, as described herein, then after such work is performed, the City Director of Finance shall certify the cost of nuisance abatement to the County Fiscal Officer for placement on the tax duplicate and collection as other taxes and assessments are collected, or the City may seek recovery of such costs by civil action initiated by the Director of Law against the property owner and/or occupant of the land abutting such sidewalk.
      (Ord. 14-2024. Passed 2-22-24.)