(a) Existing Wireless Support Structures.
(1) Collocation encouraged. The collocation of wireless facilities on existing support structures is strongly encouraged as a means to minimize the extent of intrusion of redundant support structures within the right-of-way.
(2) Structural Integrity of Existing Support Structures.
A. The City shall not authorize any attachments to City-owned infrastructure that negatively impacts the structural integrity of the support structure.
B. The City may condition approval of the collocation on replacement or modification of the wireless support structure at the operator's cost if the City determines that replacement or modification is necessary for compliance with the City's written construction and/or safety standards. A replacement or modification of the wireless support structure shall conform to the applicable design guideline(s) and the City's applicable specifications for the type of structure being replaced. The City may retain ownership of a replacement wireless support structure.
(3) Maximum Permitted Height. For an existing wireless support structure, the antenna and any associated shroud or concealment material are permitted to be collocated at the top of the existing wireless support structure and shall not increase the height of the existing wireless support structure by more than five feet, unless otherwise specified in the Small Cell Design Guidelines based on the specific context and characteristics of the wireless support structure.
(4) Right to reserve space on wireless support structure or pole. The City may reserve space for future public safety or transportation uses in the right-of-way or on a wireless support structure or pole owned by the City in a documented and approved plan in place at the time an application is filed.
A. A reservation of space shall not preclude placement of a pole or collocation of a small cell facility.
B. If replacement of the City's pole or wireless support structure is necessary to accommodate the collocation of the small cell facility and the future use, the applicant/vendor shall pay for the replacement of the pole or wireless support structure, and the replaced pole or wireless support structure must accommodate the future use.
(b) New Wireless Support Structures/Poles.
(1) Maximum Permitted Height.
A. For a new wireless support structure, the overall height of the wireless support structure and any collocated antennas shall not be more than forty feet in height above established grade measured at the base of the wireless support structure.
B. The City shall limit the maximum permissible height of wireless support structures to not less than thirty-five feet in height above established grade measured at the base of the structure in areas meeting the following criteria:
1. The area is within three hundred feet of the proposed site for a new wireless support structure in the same right-of-way or a connecting right-of-way, and where there are no wireless support structures or utility poles taller than thirty feet in height above ground level; and
2. The maximum allowable height for building construction in the underlying or adjacent zoning district is thirty-five feet in height above ground level or less.
(2) Multiple requests for wireless support structures in violation of spacing requirements. If multiple requests are received by the City to install two or more poles that would violate applicable spacing requirements outlined in the Small Cell Design Guidelines, or to collocate two or more small cell facilities on the same wireless support structure, notwithstanding division (I) of Section 4939.0313 of the Revised Code, the City may resolve conflicting requests through whatever reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner it deems appropriate.
(3) City directed alternate location for wireless support structures. The City may propose an alternate location to any proposed location of a new wireless support structure, subject to the following:
A. That the alternate location is within one hundred feet of the proposed location or within a distance that is equivalent to the width of the right-of-way in or on which the new wireless support structure is proposed, whichever is greater; and
B. The operator shall use the alternate location if it has the right to do so on reasonable terms and conditions and the alternate location does not impose technical limits or additional costs.
(4) Waiver to City directed alternate wireless support structure location or undergrounding requirements.
A. Small cell operators may seek a waiver of the undergrounding or alternative location requirements for the placement of a new wireless support structure to support small cell facilities if the operator is unable to achieve its service objective using a small cell facility under the following circumstances:
1. From a location in the right-of-way where the prohibition does not apply;
2. In a utility easement the operator has the right to access; or
3. In or on other suitable locations or structures made available by the City at reasonable rates, fees, and terms.
B. The City shall process waivers in a reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner that does not have the effect of prohibiting the provision of wireless service.
(c) Antenna.
(1) Size. Each antenna shall be located entirely within an enclosure of not more than six cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an enclosure of not more than six cubic feet in volume.
(2) Location. All antenna to be installed on new or existing wireless support structures shall be mounted to the top of the wireless support structure and aligned with the centerline of the wireless support structure, unless otherwise specified in the Design Guidelines based on the specific context and characteristics of the wireless support structure.
(d) Small Cell Facilities Installed on Wireless Support Structures.
(1) Size. Exclusive of the antenna, all wireless equipment associated with the facility shall not cumulatively exceed twenty-eight cubic feet in volume. The calculation of equipment volume shall not include electric meters, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation boxes, grounding equipment, power transfer switches, cut-off switches, and vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services.
(2) Equipment Enclosures Required. All small cell facilities mounted to wireless support structures or located on the ground shall be fully contained within enclosures or cabinets.
(e) Power and Fiber Optic Supply.
(1) Independent Power Source Required. Small cell facilities located on City-owned support structures may not use the same power source providing power for the existing facilities original to the purposes of the support structure. Independent power source must be contained within a separate conduit inside the existing support structure.
(2) Applicant shall coordinate, establish, maintain and pay for all power and communication connections with private utilities.
(Ord. 83-2018. Passed 9-27-18.)