(a)   All full-time and permanent part-time employees of the City of Macedonia, including department heads, shall use the time clocks provided by the City for purposes of logging in and logging out on each work day previously spoken to in preceding sections of this Code. This will include all Department Heads, but exclude the Mayor, and contract employees such as in the Law Department, Engineering Department, Planning Department, and such other services performed for the City which are largely performed on a non-full time status.
   (b)   All aforementioned employees shall be required to clock in at the start of their shift, prior to going to any off-site assignment, and logging for any unpaid time such as lunches, sick leave, etc.
   (c)   Any employee who fails to follow the policies implemented by the Administration for the purposes of enforcing the time clock usage shall be disciplined pursuant to Section 161.08 of the Codified Ordinances, resulting in a written reprimand from the department head for the first offense, or the Mayor if the offended is a department head; a one-hour docking in pay for a second offense; and a three-day suspension without pay for a third and any subsequent offense. (Ord. 15-2020. Passed 2-13-20.)