(a)   Any volunteer organization, group, or special committee, proposing to donate time, energy or resources on behalf of any endeavor of the City of Macedonia, shall be prohibited from acting in such capacity without being formally approved by the City Council, with the Mayor’s recommendation. Such approval will only be granted after compliance and an initial filing of the following:
      (1)   A structure of the volunteer organization is submitted, indicating any state or federal organization approvals with supporting documentation as to profit or nonprofit status. Such structure shall include a roster of all executive officers, their addresses and telephone numbers, and shall be updated annually after approval, and be filed with the office of the Mayor.
      (2)   That any financial needs or goals of the organization shall be clearly established in the form of a plan, including the origin of any resources to be used, and any City equipment, property or employees anticipated to be requested, and be filed with the office of the Mayor.
      (3)   A detailed project plan will be provided which identifies the focus or the goal of the organization, including an implementation and termination date, and shall be filed with office of the Mayor.
      (4)   Any formal recognition by IRS or State authorities shall be maintained in a current status, as well as any insurance coverage obtained or applicable to such organization, and shall be filed with the office of the Mayor.
      (5)   In addition to the initial filing requirements set forth in subparagraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) hereof, each approved volunteer organization shall file an annual report with the office of the Mayor on or before January 31 of each year setting forth any amendments or changes in the volunteer organizations from the time of the initial filing.
   (b)   Volunteer organizations shall be approved initially by Council with the Mayor’s recommendation.
   (c)   No volunteer organization shall have the ability to raise funds or solicit donations except with the approval of Council or as outlined in their proposal approved under Subparagraph (a) hereof.
   (d)   All volunteer organizations approved and operating within the City shall provide an annual accounting of all funds solicited, raised and spent to be filed with the office of the Mayor on or before January 31 of each year.
   (e)   Each volunteer organization will acknowledge that any municipal property or assets used or improved by them shall be the ultimate responsibility of the City of Macedonia, and such organizations shall be required to surrender such property or to remove themselves from such property upon notice from the City.
   (f)   No volunteer organization shall have keys to any City property except for a limited purpose and for a defined limited period of time as outlined in their proposal approved under Paragraph (a) hereof. Any such release of keys shall be documented by signed receipt dated and on file in the office of the Mayor.
   (g)   Each approved volunteer organization within the City shall have a designated City representative, approved by the Mayor and a majority of Council, who will be the liaison between such organization and the Council as a whole.
(Ord. 34-2002. Passed 7-11-02.)