(a) Proper service of the notice set forth in Section 1385.05 shall be by certified mail, or personal service; provided, however, that such notice shall be deemed to be properly served if a copy thereof is sent by certified mail to the owner's last known address. If a party cannot be located, nor his address ascertained, this notice shall be deemed to be properly served if a copy thereof is placed in a conspicuous place in or about the building structure affected by such notice and further, a copy of this notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in this county for a period of three consecutive days.
(b) It shall be the duty of any owner or agent or person in control of such structure or building, mortgagee of record or lien holders of record who have received a notice of violation as provided for in this section to inform prospective purchasers, vendees, grantees, assignees or land contractees thereof of any such notice of violation or the notice to repair or rehabilitate or demolish and remove. No owner or agent or person in control of such structure or building, mortgagee of record or lien holders of record shall transfer to vendee, grantee, assignee or land contractee or any other transferee any interest in such structure or building after receiving a notice of violation or notice to repair or rehabilitate or demolish and remove without first providing the transferee with a copy of such notice.
(c) If such notice is by certified mail, the time period within which the owner is required to comply with the order of the Building Commissioner shall begin as of the date he receives such notice.
(Ord. 34-1986. Passed 8-14-86.)