Application for an occupancy permit required by this chapter shall be made on a form prescribed by the Fire Chief by any person having a pecuniary interest in the conveyance, lease, rental or other change in the ownership or occupancy of an industrial building or commercial structure, including but not limited to an occupant, operator, owner, seller, purchaser, lessor or lessee and further including, but not limited to, real estate brokers, lending institutions and title companies which participate in a transaction in which an occupancy permit is required, and shall include but not be limited to, the following information:
   (a)    The street address of the industrial building or commercial structure or other description sufficient to identify the portion of such premises if the entire structure is not involved.
   (b)    The name and address of the occupant, operator, lessor, owner and the telephone number where such person may be reached during normal business hours.
   (c)    The name, address and telephone number of the prospective recipient of the conveyance, lessee or other prospective occupant and the number of prospective occupants, if such information is available.
   (d)    A statement as to the mode of change in ownership or occupancy and the proposed date of occupancy.
      (Ord. 54-1977. Passed 12-22-77.)