(a)    For purposes of this section:
      (1)    "Truck" means any vehicle with a rated capacity of over one ton and shall include but not be limited to, a tractor, van or pick-up.
      (2)    "Commercial vehicle" means any vehicle which displays lettered matter related to a business other than the name and occupation of the owner or pictorial matter related to a business other than the owner's logo or trademark or any vehicle which carries tools, appliances or equipment related to a business other than ladders, exposed to view.
   (b)    No person shall park, at any time, a school bus, house trailer, commercial vehicle or truck in a district zoned for residential purposes, with the following exceptions:
      (1)    Any vehicle housed in an enclosed structure permitted by applicable zoning and buildings codes.
      (2)    Any commercial vehicle rated one ton or under capacity otherwise lawfully maintained or parked which is screened or otherwise not observable from the street or side yard if such screening is permissible by applicable zoning and building codes.
      (3)    Any vehicle otherwise lawfully maintained or parked upon parcels exceeding one acre in area and under common ownership if the vehicle is located at least 200 feet distant from neighboring dwelling structure and not in front of the building setback line.
      (4)    Any vehicle parked temporarily for no more than ten days to effect repairs or construction to or upon the premises.
   (c)    Agricultural tractors, utility trailers designed to be pulled by passenger automobiles, camp trailers or boats and other similar vehicles commonly associated with private domestic and private recreational usage may be parked on any private premises, if garaged or parked in such a manner as to be least noticeable from the street. Such vehicles are prohibited from being parked in any other location upon the premises.
   (d)    No vehicle shall be parked or maintained in any district zoned for residential purposes which constitutes a nuisance to such purposes or which is patently offensive in a residential area; provided that the owner of such vehicle or the owner or tenant of the premises shall be given thirty days notice to correct the condition, which notice shall list the specific conditions in violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 30-1982 Passed 6-10-82. )