(a) Such facilities when a conditional use in the B-1 and B-2 District shall be located at the extremity of the business district and/or at the intersection of two or more thoroughfares so as not to interfere with the pedestrian interchange between stores in the District and provided further, that it would not limit expansion of the pedestrian oriented facilities.
(b) No use herein included shall be erected or constructed on a lot of less than 40,000 square feet with a minimum of 150 feet frontage.
(c) No pump shall be located less than twenty feet from any pedestrian sidewalk. (Ord. 30-1982. Passed 6-10-82.)
(d) The outdoor display or storage of goods and merchandise when approved as a conditional use shall be located and maintained in compliance with the following:
(1) Merchandise that is displayed for retail sale or accessories or parts that are stored, kept or displayed outside the main building during business hours shall be displayed or stored on a paved surface or on suitable metal shelves or racks.
(2) The display or storage area shall have a maximum area of 1,000 square feet.
(3) The display or storage area shall be located a minimum of fifty feet from the street right of way and fifteen feet from a side or rear lot line adjacent to a residential district, except for used tires which shall be located as regulated in subsection (8) below.
(4) The location of the display or storage area shall not interfere with on-site traffic circulation and shall not occupy any required parking spaces.
(5) Merchandise, accessories or parts when stacked or placed on shelves shall have a maximum height of six feet.
(6) Merchandise, accessories or parts shall be stored or displayed outdoors only during business hours unless such items are secured against theft, vandalism or loss in a manner approved by the Planning Commission.
(7) All outdoor display or storage areas shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner, and signs associated with such areas shall identify only the items for sale in a size to be approved by the Zoning Inspector.
(8) Used tires shall be stored in an area at the rear of the station which is completely screened from the public view and no refuse or litter shall be upon the property except in closed, metal containers.
(9) All areas to be devoted to outdoor display or storage shall be clearly indicated on the site plan.
(Ord. 70-1993. Passed 10-28-93.)
(e) In the B-1 and B-2 Districts, repairs are permitted to be performed on vehicles and trucks. Minor repairs only are permitted on trucks exceeding one ton rating, including motor service, replacement or parts. No body work, or painting shall be permitted.
(f) Only minor repairs are permitted outside the building and must be completed
within forty-eight hours.
(g) Any rental vehicle, whether trailers or self-propelled, shall require a Conditional Use Permit.
(h) No vehicles (service truck, snow plow) may be parked in front of pump island setback line established in subsection (c) hereof except while being serviced at pump island.
(i) In no case shall any vehicle be stored outside for more than forty-eight hours, except service vehicles actually needed in the furtherance of the business and no customers' motor vehicles shall be on the property except for the purpose of service.
(j) An abandoned service station is presumed to be a nuisance affecting or endangering surrounding property values and detrimental to public health, safety, convenience, etc., and shall be abated. An abandoned station is defined to be one which is not in operation for at least ninety days. When the Zoning Inspector finds a station to be abandoned, he shall give notice to the owner to abate the abandoned condition within sixty days by:
(1) Placing the station in operation; or
(2) Adapting and using the building for another permitted use; or
(3) Razing the service station structure, removing pumps, signs, underground tanks and restoring the land to conform to adjoining grade.
If an owner fails to comply with the notice to abate the abandonment, the Mayor may take action to abate the nuisance by enforcing local ordinances and following State law or by instituting appropriate legal action.
(Ord. 30-1982. Passed 6-10-82.)