(a) Uses Permitted.
(1) Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, playgrounds and publicly owned parks.
(2) Multi-family dwellings: Upon authorization by the Planning Commission by the issuance of a conditional zoning certificate when all the procedures and requirements stated in Section 1137.04 and the additional requirements stated in subsection (c) hereof can be complied with.
(3) Churches, schools, public buildings, provided such uses do not substantially depreciate property values in the neighborhood, or are not out of harmony with the uses established in the neighborhood, and do not create a public hazard. Parking space must be provided for off-street parking for all users of such buildings.
(4) Certain retail stores, restaurants, administrative offices, recreational uses and community facilities, in existing residential structures, may be approved as conditional uses when complying with all the criteria and standards of Section 1171.15 and approved according to the procedures of Section 1137.04.
(5) Home occupations, including residential professional offices, as an accessory use when complying with the criteria and standards of Section 1171.17. (Ord. 121-1990. Passed 3-14-91.)
(b) Two-Family Dwellings.
(1) Minimum lot area. Each two-family dwelling shall have a lot width, measured at the setback line of not less than 150 feet, and not less than 100 feet measured along the front lot line; each two-family dwelling shall have a lot area of not less than 30,000 square feet.
(2) Setback line.
A. The minimum setback line for any two-family dwelling shall be seventy-five feet from the front lot line.
B. In the case of a corner lot, no building or buildings erected on such corner lot shall be set back less than fifty feet from the side street line of such corner lot nor less than forty feet from the rear line thereof.
(3) Side and rear yards. No building or structure shall be placed or erected nearer than twenty feet to a side or rear lot line.
(Ord. 3-1989. Passed 7-7-89.)
(c) Multiple Family Dwellings.
(1) Minimum site area. No multiple family development shall be authorized with a gross site area of less than two acres or with a site width less than 150 feet measured at the setback line.
(Ord. 69-1990. Passed 7-19-90.)
(2) Maximum density. The maximum density shall be five units per acre provided further that the maximum density of any one acre within the development shall not exceed twelve units.
(3) Maximum lot coverage. All buildings, including accessory buildings, of a multiple-family dwelling development shall not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of the net area within property lines of land acquired for immediate development.
(4) Access to multiple-family dwelling. Each dwelling shall be provided with a means of access for the removal of garbage and trash and for deliveries. Access for these services shall be provided at the rear of the dwelling by means of an alley, street, easement or open passage through the dwelling, unless provided for by other means satisfactory to the Planning Commission.
(5) Access to living units. A means of access to each living unit shall be provided without passing through any other living unit. Acceptable means of access to the rear yard shall be provided for each living unit without passing through any other living unit.
(6) Yard and other open space requirements.
A. Between buildings. From front to front, rear to rear, or front to rear, the minimum horizontal distance shall be fifty feet for buildings one story in height. This distance shall be increased by not less than five feet for every story added except where the finished slope of a site between buildings is equal to the height of one or more stories; the increase in horizontal distance may be reduced. The minimum distance between buildings may be decreased at one side by not more than ten feet if the distance on the other side is proportionately increased; or if the buildings are staggered so as to permit free movement of air and allow sunlight to reach the ground. Other modifications may be permitted by the Planning Commission if the planned development is compensated by the other space provisions.
B. Between ends of buildings. The distance shall be not less than twenty-feet when neither building exceeds two stories, twenty- five feet if one or both buildings are three stories. Where the end of one building is opposite the front or rear of another building, the minimum distance shall be thirty feet if one or both buildings are one story, thirty-five feet if one or both buildings are two stories, forty feet if one or both buildings are three stories.
C. Closed courts. No courts completely enclosed by building structure shall be permitted; however, screen walls not exceeding six feet in height are permitted to enclose what would otherwise be an open court. All dimensional requirements for open courts shall apply to such enclosed courts.
D. Open courts. The width of any outer court upon which windows from a living room, bedroom, or dining room open shall be not less than the height of the highest opposing wall forming the court. The depth of an open court formed by walls on three sides, shall be not greater than one and one-half times the width. The width of any other outer or open court shall be not less than two- thirds the height of the highest opposing wall forming such court, and the depth shall be not greater than one and one-half times the width.
E. Yard facing street. The yard shall not be less than twenty-five feet for one and two story buildings, thirty feet for three story buildings.
F. Side yards. Side yards shall be not less than one-half the height of the building nearest the side property line, but shall be not less than twenty feet in any case.
G. Rear yard. A rear yard shall be not less than forty feet.
H. Other dimensions. No entrance to a dwelling unit in a multiple- family dwelling development shall be closer to any street or access road than twenty-five feet; or shall be farther from a street or access road than 150 feet.
I. For properties having only a few living units. Suitable play space and facilities, such as sand boxes, and benches in appropriate locations with or without enclosures, shall be provided as required by the Planning Commission.
J. For properties having a large number of living units. There shall generally be provided enclosed children's playgrounds which are easily accessible from the living units without encountering traffic hazards; located in rear areas, at ends of buildings, or in other locations where they will not impair views from or use of the living unit; and, provided with durable equipment of proper sizes for both pre-school and school children. Equipment arrangement and types shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission.
(7) Maximum building height. Three stories, but not exceeding forty feet shall be the maximum building height. No space below grade level shall be used for dwelling purposes except as follows:
A. When the finished floor grade of the space below grade level is no more than four feet below finished outside ground level at any point on the periphery of that part of the structure enclosing the below grade dwelling space.
B. On sloping sites when the finished floor grade of the space below grade level is above finished outside ground level for at least the length of one wall. In the same instance, such dwelling space shall have either adequate through or cross ventilation.
(8) Screening. When any multiple-family dwelling is erected on a lot whose side line or rear line adjoins a zoned district other than R-2, such side line or rear line shall be screened to a minimum height of six feet by a hedge, planting or other screening as may be determined by the Planning Commission.
(d) Minimum Unit Sizes. Each dwelling unit shall have minimum floor areas according to the following:
(1) Single-family dwelling with basement - 1,350 square feet.
(2) Single-family dwelling without basement - 1,500 square feet.
(3) Any single-family dwelling with more than one story shall have a minimum area of 850 square feet for any one of its floors.
(4) Two-family dwelling - 1,200 square feet.
(5) Townhouse - 1,200 square feet.
(6) One-bedroom garden apartment unit - 800 square feet.
(7) Two-bedroom garden apartment unit - 900 square feet.
(8) Three-bedroom garden apartment unit - 1,000 square feet.
(9) In addition to the areas specified, all dwelling units shall have an additional 150 square feet for each bedroom over three.
(10) Minimum floor areas shall be exclusive of basements, breezeways, attics, garages and similar accessory structures.
(Ord. 3-1989. Passed 7-7-89.)