1163.03 R-P DISTRICT.
(a) Uses Permitted.
(1) All uses permitted in the R-1 Residential District shall be permitted in the R-P District.
(2) Picnic areas in which picnic tables, outdoor fireplaces, storm shelters and similar facilities may be erected.
(3) Ponds and lakes for boating, fishing and swimming, when State and County health and safety requirements are met.
(4) Recreation areas in which nonprofessional activities such as baseball, football, tennis, golf, outdoor ice skating, skiing, tobogganing and similar sports may be provided for.
(5) Children's playground equipment such as swings, slides, jungle bars, etc., may also be provided.
(6) Sale of ready to consume food and non-alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the premises;. fishing bait and tackle.
(7) Certain retail stores, restaurants, administrative offices, recreational uses and community facilities, in existing residential structures, may be approved as conditional uses when complying with all the criteria and standards of Section 1171.15 and approved according to the procedures of Section 1137.04.
A. The maximum density shall be two units per acre,
B. Only single-family, two-family and townhouses with a maximum of four units per building shall be permitted, and
C. The maximum density in any single acre shall not exceed six units. (Ord. 3-1989. Passed 7-7-89.)
(b) Area Regulations.
(1) Any dwelling or structure erected within the R P District must comply with the regulations set forth in this chapter.
(2) All recreation areas must be provided with sanitary facilities in accordance with State and County regulations.
(3) All recreation areas and driveways must be adequately enclosed, by a six foot high cyclone wire fence, or its equivalent, to prevent encroachment on neighboring property.
(4) Use of recreation areas after daylight is prohibited unless areas so used are lighted to the satisfaction of Council.
(5) No playing fields may be located within 100 feet of any residence or residential district.
(Ord. 41-1962. Passed 7-31-62.)