(a)    The Planning Commission is hereby authorized and directed to create a Master
Street Tree Plan. Such Plan shall specify the type of tree which may be planted within the
dedicated limits of any street or highway.
   (b)    No tree shall be planted within the dedicated limits of any street or highway except by the City unless written permission is first obtained from the Service Director. The Service Director shall grant such permission in accordance with the Master Street Tree Plan.
   (c)    No tree shall be planted or authorized to be planted within the dedicated limits of any street or highway unless the following utilities have first been installed:
      (1)    Gas lines;
      (2)    Electric lines;
      (3)    Water lines;
      (4)    Sanitary sewers;
      (5)    Storm sewers;
      (6)    Concrete paving and curbs.
   (d)    No tree shall be planted or authorized within the dedicated limits of any street or highway closer than four feet from the street pavement or closer than eight feet from the property line of the abutting owner; or within four feet from any driveway.
(Ord. 20-1968. Passed 4-4-68.)