General Provisions
52.01 Operation and funding
52.02 Definitions
52.03 Consumer’s application
52.04 Water contract
52.05 Single premises
52.06 Restricted use
52.07 Hydrants
52.08 Water service contracts
52.09 Inspection
52.10 Police reports
52.11 Destruction of property
52.12 Prohibition of lead pipes
52.13 Wellhead Protection Area
52.14 Water drought emergency
52.15 Drilling and operation of wells and other underground facilities
52.16 Mandatory hookup
Fees; Billing Procedure
52.30 Installation expense
52.31 Repairs
52.32 Fees and collections
52.33 Rates
52.34 Billings
52.35 Lien
Backflow/Backsiphonage Prevention
52.50 Statement of policy
52.51 Definitions
52.52 Cross-connections prohibited
52.53 Survey and investigations
52.54 Where protection is required
52.55 Type of protection required
52.56 Backflow prevention devices
52.57 Installation
52.58 Testing
52.59 Authorized representative authority
52.60 Appeals
52.61 Liability claims
52.99 Penalty