The zoning administrator shall be that person charged by the village manager to enforce this title and, in addition, to perform the following duties:
   A.   Issue all zoning certificates and occupancy certificates and make and maintain records thereof;
   B.   Direct inspections of buildings, structures and uses of land to determine compliance with the terms of this title;
   C.   Maintain permanent and current records of this title including, but not limited to, all maps, amendments, special uses, variations, appeals and applications therefor, and nonconforming uses, and records of all hearings on any of the aforementioned;
   D.   Receive, file and forward for action all appeals and applications for appeals, variations, amendments, and special uses;
   E.   Initiate, direct and review from time to time a study of the provisions of this title and submit a written report and recommendation to the zoning board of appeals/plan commission or corporate authorities; and
   F.   Provide such clerical and technical assistance as may be required by the zoning board of appeals/plan commission in the exercise of its duties. (1965 Code title 6 § 601.1)