A.   It is hereby declared to be the policy of the village to provide, within constitutional limitations, for fair housing throughout the village, to assure that all persons have full and equal opportunity to consider all available housing and obtain fair and adequate housing for themselves and their families within the village without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, parental status, sexual orientation, source of income, military discharge status, gender identity, retaliation or housing status or by aiding/abetting or wilful interference thereof and to promote a stable community.
   B.   It is hereby further declared to be the policy of the village to undertake all actions necessary and proper to achieve the policy expressed in this chapter.
   C.   It shall be the responsibility of the housing administrator to receive and investigate complaints charging unlawful discriminatory and unfair housing practices and to endeavor, by conciliation, to resolve any such complaints by acting as a bridge between the parties to the dispute. (Ord. 02-20-13-O1, 2-20-2013)