Upon application for and issuance of a permit, the property owner and/or his agent is deemed to have consented to all code and inspection requirements of the codes and provisions adopted under this title and those promulgated by the code enforcement officer in conjunction with his rule making authority. Such language shall be included on all permit applications. The acceptance of a building permit shall also constitute permission for village inspectors to enter the subject property to inspect open structures under construction in conjunction with the permit, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In the event an owner or his agent refuses to allow or fails to obtain such inspections, such refusal or failure shall be a violation of this title. A refusal or failure to obtain a required inspection shall not grant the code enforcement officer the right to enter a premises without permission, but, in addition to being a violation of this chapter, shall be probable cause to obtain an administrative search warrant from a court of competent jurisdiction. Each day an inspection is refused or not obtained after notice from the village to obtain such inspection shall be a separate violation of this title and subject to its penalties. (1965 Code § 7-2-2)