A.   Report To Police Department:
      1.   The owner, keeper or person having custody of any dog or other animal which has bitten any person shall report to the police department giving the name of the person bitten, the date of the occurrence, the type of animal and whether or not the animal has been inoculated for rabies. (1965 Code § 9-7-15)
      2.   It shall be unlawful for any person having knowledge that a person has been bitten by a dog or other animal to fail to notify the police department promptly. (1965 Code § 9-7-15; amd. 2009 Code)
   B.   Selling Or Moving Animal Prohibited: No owner or keeper of any dog or other animal, when notified that such dog or other animal has bitten any person, or has so injured any person as to cause an abrasion of the skin, shall sell or give away such dog or permit or allow such dog or other animal to be taken beyond the limits of the village. (1965 Code § 9-7-15)
   C.   Observation By Veterinarian Required:
      1.   The police department shall instruct the owner of the dog or other animal to take the dog or other animal to a veterinarian for observation for ten (10) days following the incident. (1965 Code § 9-7-15; amd. 2009 Code)
      2.   It shall be unlawful for the owner of such dog or other animal to refuse or fail to comply with the instructions of the police department to take the dog or other animal to a veterinarian.
   D.   Report To Health Officer: The police department shall report the incident to the health officer who will notify the Cook County rabies control inspector. (1965 Code § 9-7-15)
   E.   Stray Dog Or Other Animal: In the event of a person being bitten by a stray dog or other animal, the dog or other animal will be impounded, if possible, in the village pound by any police officer or poundkeeper. The poundkeeper shall cause the dog or other animal to be observed by a veterinarian for ten (10) days following the incident. (1965 Code § 9-7-15; amd. 2009 Code)
   F.   Expenses Borne By Owner: Any expenses incurred in the handling of any dog or other animal under this section shall be borne by the owner. (1965 Code § 9-7-15)