(A)   The town desires, with other local units of government, to cooperatively improve the health, safety, convenience and the welfare of its citizens and to plan for the future development of the county area of which the town is a part, to the end that highway systems be more carefully planned, that new communities grow only with adequate street, utility, health, educational and recreational facilities; that the needs of agriculture, industry and business be recognized in future growth; that residential areas provide healthy surroundings for family life; and that the growth of the community is commensurate with and promotive of the efficient and economical uses of public funds.
   (B)   The town hereby adopts and accepts the provisions of Chapter 138, Acts of 1957 of the Indiana General Assembly and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.
   (C)   The Town Council shall select one of its members as its representative on the Advisory Council on Town Affairs and each year thereafter a representative shall be selected in like manner for a term of one year, which term shall terminate at the end of each year, as is provided by law.
(Ord. 3, passed 12-3-1962)