(A)   No officer, official, or employee, either on his or her own behalf or any other person’s, shall have any financial interest in any business or transaction with any public body unless he shall first make full public disclosures of the nature and extent of such interest.
   (B)   Whenever the performance of one’s official duties shall require any officer, official, or employee to deliberate and vote on any matter involving one’s financial or personal interest, such interest shall be publicly disclosed and the officer, official, or employee shall be disqualified from participating in the deliberation and voting.
   (C)   No officer, official, or employee shall engage in private employment with, or render services for, any private person who has business transactions with any public body unless he shall first make full public disclosure of the nature and extent of such employment or services.
   (D)   No officer, official, or employee shall represent or appear on behalf of any private person, other than himself or herself, before any public body of the city.
   (E)   No officer, official or employee shall appoint, employ, or vote for appointment or employment of any person related by blood or marriage to any clerkship, office, position, employment, or duty when the salary, wages, pay or compensation is to be paid out of public funds.
(Ord. 200.1-1994, passed 12-19-94)